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T HE reminder of the bus Arbitration Thrown Over in industry's dependence on its _Favour of Strike Action that workers, given...
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D RITISH hauliers' participation in direct export by* 1) The Transport Ferry Service has stimulated interest in the types of...
More Oil From the Wells ? A RECENT evaluation of the " construction " of crude oil is that it is a colloidal solution and...
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That the throwing away of a bookrnatch-cover in New York recently resulted in a fine. That most of our litterbugs appear to...
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QIXTY-SEVEN objections to the cont.-) version, on renewal, of British Railways' free A licences into ordinary A licences have...
in Big Publicity Scheme A N example . of co-operation between the State and private enterprise will . shortly be seen by the...
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IN conjunction with their Danish associ ated company, Dansk Automobil ,13y gg eri, A.S., Leyland Motors, Ltd., have received...
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MR. ROBERT FLEMING has retired after 24 years' service with the British Wagon Co., Ltd. MR. R. I. H. LONGMAN was last week...
A LIGHTNING one-day strike of Belfast Transport Department's platform staff held on Saturday,. November 23, 1957, is still...
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T HE appointment of a condmittee Of inquiry into the Smithfield dispute (reported on page 672) may bring to a head the whole...
T HE Conservative Party Transport Committee hope to meet Mr. R. A. Butler, Leader of the House of Commons, to persuade the...
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"Stonewalling 9 9 Attacked INQUIRIES would become a mockery I if big operators were allowed to shelter behind the magnitude...
IN allowing an appeal by the British I Transport Commission, the Transport Tribunal in London, on Tuesday, criticized as...
AN Y people had travelled on coach IVA tours with Florence Motors, Ltd., Oldham, for about 20 years and had exhausted the...
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WHEN a haulage company was YV accused at Newcastle upon Tyne, last, week, of misusing B licences, the defence claimed that the...
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A BOUT 200 internal transport drivers employed by Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd. (Birmingham), have been awarded a pay increase of 75....
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Government propose to combat the traffic problem represented by activities at Covent Garden...
THE British Straddle Carrier Co., Ltd., has been acquired by Short Bros. and Harland, Ltd. B.S.C. was formerly a subsidiary of...
T WO Lancashire operators disputed before the North Western Traffic Commissioners, last week, over who should pick up excursion...
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INCONSISTENCIES in the arguments I advanced by spokesmen for British Railways in their attempts to win more traffic from road...
No Parking: Thomaby Town Council have decided to ban vehicles heavier than 30 cwt. from parking in the streets. U.D.T....
HEN the Exeter branch of B.R.S. (Parcels), Ltd., applied to Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority. last week to add a...
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THE exploration and oil-drilling activities of the Shell B.P. Petroleum Development Co., of Nigeria, Ltd., have called for...
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A Resounding Victory T HREE series of tests were conducted with the Guy Victory Gardner-engined overseas passenger chassis,...
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B ASED on a special four-wheeled trailer with Ackerman steering, a mobile display vehicle has been completed by Locomotors,...
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THREE types of hand truck are now being offered by Conveyancer Fork Trucks, I Ltd., Liverpool Road, Warrington. The Skidtruck...
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W HEN considering the design of a parcel-delivery vehicle it is important to remember that in most cases the driver is working...
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D ELEGATES from local authorities throughout this country and a number of overseas representatives attending the Institute of...
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O NLY a military man would suggest, as did Sir Brian Robertson, chairman of the British Transport Commission, in his address at...
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W HAT is the law on the carriage of parcels in hackney carriages, and is it legal to carry parcels in a shooting brake...
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T HE increasing size of vehicle tyres is approaching the point at which manhandling of the spare wheel is reaching human...