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Manufacturers of petrol vehicles continue to give increasing attention to the matter of protection for the driver against...
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That they'll have telephones in Bundoran when the pigs begin to fly. Of an order's being placed for a large number of...
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First-published Description of a Well-designed Model which Made its First Appearance at the Manchester Show. During our...
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It is interesting to note that many users of commercial motors are at length realizing that greatly improved loading and...
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We Gather the Experiences of a Well-known Furnisher. Our readers will remember that, a fortnight ago, we described the...
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Further Extracts from the recent paper. We published the first portion of our abridgement of the paper which was read on...
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On a glorious morning of last week a member of the Editorial staff of this journal met a representative of John I. Thornycroft...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. Extreme pressure on our space necessitates...
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Hendon U.D.C. has accepted the tender of Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., at £1220. The new Dennis engine for Coatbridge has...
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A Reply to the Cry of "Tax the Motorbuses." Over the offices of a leading house and estate agent in Richmond. Surrey, is a...
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The question of suitable housing for steam wagons is one of more importance than is generally considered. The creditable...
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Following a letter which appeared in our issue of the :30th January, from a correspondent " w.B.H.," who advised everybody who...
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By "Home from Nigeria." In making the statement, that in Nigeria there lies a vast field waiting for the extension of...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected wits the use of commer:ial motors. Letters shonlet be on OM side of...
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Where to Buy your Supplies. You Can Get it At--. " G.R." (Stoke-on-Trent).—In reply to your query as to the address of the...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words , for an hing else...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom by the Sales Branch, Patent...