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PARTICULARLY Some Arguments in Favour of interesting point raised by one of the speakers truction Chassisless Cons at the...
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N O industry can operate satisfactorily and at full efficiency unless those who control the organizations of which it is...
An Uninvited Visitor A N amusing incident at the at Harrogate Confer1---1 P.T.A. Conference at ence Harrogate was the arrival...
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That coaching is catching. That infection is spread by its undeniable merits and the consequent enthusiastic propaganda of its...
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PROOF that many new C-licence vehicles are used for local work, tnd are not competitive with the railvays or with the...
Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the main-line railways were extended last year by revisions of services to provide rail...
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MR. S. J. PATMORE, A.M.I.Iviech.E., A.M.I.E.E., recently became sales manager of the Anti-Attrition Metal Co., Ltd. MR. W. G....
"E XPORTS of commercial vehicles in March reached peak heights not only in value, but also• in the number shipped," states the...
C ANADA will become the major market for home-built Ford products, stated Mr. Douglas B. Greig, president of Ford Motor Co. of...
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T O show that. free enterprise is still pursuing a virile policy, in vehicle design and passenger comfort, Ribble Motor...
PA A PLUNGER pump, designed to deliver small quantities of oil under pressure to a number cf feed points, has recently been...
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I MPORTANT ,:hanges in design have I been announced in America by the White Motor Co., of Cleveland. Research into the plan for...
Ipswich branch of A.E.C., Ltd., has been moved from 337, Norwich Road, to 29, Goring Road, The Conveyancer Mark XVI fork lift...
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r HE Road Haulage Wages Council has issued Order R.H. (30), which • rings up to -date in one volume all .revious Orders and...
F OR a second time Hants and Sussex Motor Services, Ltd., Emsworth, has successfully defended a new service against strong...
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By C. S. DUNBAR, m.Inst.T. N 19th-century economics in South Wales, coal was king and only steel • counted beside it, The...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.1.R.T.E. T HERE is no great need for frequent gear changing on the Bedford Scammell outfit, because with...
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A FTER a first hearing at which two magistrates failed to agree, a charge against Beckenham Corporation of permitting a...
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H UNDREDS of vehicles, both . passenger • and goods, .are Wog garaged in the open for want of covered accommodation. This...
for a Land-Rover required for ploughing, as well as for use as a private car, has brought to light an invidious position....
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Insulated Stainless Steel Tanks are Flexibly Mounted in Latest Hammerton Outfit T HE Durdmin Engineering Co.. Ltd., Standard...
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BELIEVE it can be truly said that never before have I haulage vehicles been so well kept as they are now. If this be correct,...
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A Greyhound Transporter, a Horsebox and a Mobile Shop Exemplify the Wide Range of Bodywork Built by S.M.T. Sales and Service...
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A N ingenious and practical use for the space in the lower portion of a panelled cab door has been devised by Mr. Harry Smith,...
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B Y impressing upon hauliers' the importance of theit knowing their fundamental basic costs, I am trying in this present series...
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A CLUTCH intended to be used between the output member of a torque-converter and its gearbox forms the subject of patent No....