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COMMERCIAL MOTOR Officially Recognized by The Commercial Motor Users Association. The Authority on all forms of Motor...
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That good bodywork is telling. That the - ies a dark side to the lighting question. Of vans temporarily stranded in...
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Important References to Commercial Motors at the Annual Banquet of the Agents' Section of the S.M.M.T. The annual banquet of...
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Considering the application of self-starters to industrial machines, we feel sure that there is no better exemplification of...
At a time when users throughout the country are having their attention drawn to the require.. ments of the British War Office...
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. Kirkcaldy Town Council is purchasing a motor fire-engine. . Derby Town Council is appreciably nearer the purchase of a motor...
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Dr. W. Watson Talks of "Engine Knocking and Pinking." At the ordinary general meeting of the Institute of Automobile...
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Deliberate Overloading. The Editor THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. l270] Sir,—However much Mr. Twemlow (Fodens) and others may regret...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. Trials of cushions on outside seats of...
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A Well-known Agent's Early Days! A Noisy Fellow Annoys a Fellow. "I Don't Like Dinners." A good story was told at the Agents'...
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"We could not deliver the goods quickly enough without the motors." We have covered many points of the compass in endeavouring...
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By an Engineer User, We have recently been asked on several occasions for our opinion of several proprietary methods of...
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Motorbus Splashguards. [2232] (Tryer).—We thialeyOu will find it a difficult matter to make any money out of the device you...
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Where to Buy your Supplies. You Can Get It At " W.A.Y." (Finsbury Park).—You can obtain Imperial odometers from G. Davenport...
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We, have heard much lately of high-precision work, and it must be conceded that the first-class quality of finish which now...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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B.S.A. Oil Trap. White and Poppe Lubricating System. A SplitPiston-Valve Engine. Plate Spring Shock Absorber. B. S.A. CO.,...