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A CAMPAIGN to saVe usable or repairable tyres in Ministry of Supply dumps throughout the country is being waged by the Tyre...
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Basic Factors in DeT HE requirements of a prosvelop i ng Our Overseas porous motor industry that Trade can contribute a...
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Hears Of signposts doing their job absolutely obsoletely. Of a 73-year-old bus conductor still at work in the London area. 0...
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I N connection with the report rendered to the Price Regulation Committee (North Midland Region) concerning what is termed the...
L A ST Sunday, at a meeting of the Leeds and District Sub-area of A.R.O;, allusions • were made to present-day moves on haulage...
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a "very W harmonious atmospheres prevailed at the meeting of the Western Regional Committee of the Road and Rail Conference...
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T HERE is one type of transport unit which, justifiably, is gaining in popularity, and that is the semi-trailer forming part of...
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There are Two Outstanding Features in Furniture Removing—the Conditions and the Cost. Whilst the Ordinary Haulier is not...
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N O better examples of team work in industry are to be found than in the case of those haulage businesses which are faithfully...
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" WJE have got to secure a big im VV provernent in our road system, both in the country and in the built-up areas." So said Mr....
A MOTOR taxation plan which he has formulated as an alternative to the present basis was put forward by Mr. F. A. Lapish,...
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the Urgent Need for a Considered and Uniform Policy to Safeguard the ' Industry By " Tantalus " T HERE can be little doubt as...
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Improvement in a Much-neglected Facility that Would Prove a Real Help . to the Agricultural Industry By J. S. Neave (Scat:cry...
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D URING the period of the war, the most important model produced by Karrier Motors, Ltd„ Luton, for civilian usage has been the...
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Conductorless Transmission of Electrical Energy for Operating Road Vehicles has been Successfully Achieved on an Experimental...
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POST-WAR PREPARATIONS FOR HAULAGE 'MAY we bring to your notice details of an expansion "Id the capacity of this company, which...
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H IGH mechanical efficiency in a !steering gear means also that it is more reversible in action, and more likely to allow road...