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enabled us to go into other lines" Wiltshire firm tells how this lorry built their reputation for firomfit service "I N 1922...
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M ANY firms and municipalities anxious to do the heaviest hind of hauling and power work at the least cost have . adopted the...
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The "Super-Sentinel" Six-wheeler is proving itself the right Vehicle for new-day transport W HEREVER you go now, you will find...
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TN the issue of The Commercial Motor for -I-August 2nd the suggestion was put forward that the - Steam Vehicle Committee of the...
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The question of tank wagons using the Birkenhead ferries has, at the suggestion of the committee of the Northwestern Division...
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During the six months ended with June last 10,760 motor lorries and buses, valued at £725,893, were exported from Canada, as...
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At the recent carnival held in Gateshead motor vehicles, suitably decorated, formed an imposing feature of de procession....
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One of those questions which has been before the Blackpool Town Council for years but which is still far from solution is the...
Weymouth Watch Committee has accepted the tender of Morris-Commercial Cars, Ltd., at £225, for the supply of a 1-ton lorry. •...
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An Interesting Type of Trailer which Simplifies the Tasks of Loading and Unloading Drums of High-voltage Cable. T HE awkward...
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What Stewart and Ardern, Ltd., is doing to Meet the Individual Requirements of Many Trades. T HE sole London distributor for...
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J AST week we published illtistra 4tion showing a fleet of 4M vehicles, the whole of which has been equipped with Wood...
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Details of the Successful Activities of the Furness Omnibus Co., Ltd., which was Formed by a Numb er of Owner-drivers. O NE ....
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Brief Details of a New W. and G. 2i-ton Model, a Number of Which was Recently Supplied to the Anglo American Oil Co., Ltd. A...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Operation which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. 541.—Another Coil-box...
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rapidly replacing more antiquated means, and this applies very fully in the case of transport _ for the commercial traveller....
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A Consideration of the Points For and Against the Employment of Semi-pneumatic Tyres in Lieu of Full Pneumatics. T TIE...
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MHERE can be DO doubt that a large .JL percentage of the wear which ' occurs in the exposed joints of the steering, braking and...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. CO-ORDINATING ROAD PASSENGER SERVICES. The Discussion of a...
The Hearing of the Appeal of Rhondda Tramways Co., Ltd., against Certain Alleged Unreasonable Rulings of the Cardiff...
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A Type of Passenger Vehicle which is Representatiye of Present-day Practice. A N accompanying illustration depicts one of a...
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"Whom the Gods would destroy They first make math" . I N the case of motorcoach owners the madness takes the form of price -...
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mIIE danger of fire is ever - present. and modern conditions of living, with thousands of factories clustered thickly...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the USE Of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Useful Contributions From Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Removing Obstinate Swivel Pins. TN some cases the axle swivel pin...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. A Self-energizing Brake. SER ELF-ENGIZING brakes are still occupying...