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F OREIGNERS must be amazed at the la ckadaisical manner in which the planning, building and reconstruction of our roads are so...
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T HE police are becoming very active in their trapping, not only of drivers who exceed the limit of 30 m.p.h. in built-up...
THERE is little doubt that there are large i numbers of people outside the road-transport industry who, nevertheless, are...
I N his annual report the city engineer of Christ church, New Zealand, mentions that six batteryelectric vehicles are still in...
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Of a 75-in.p.h. goods vehicle. That Mr. F. G. Bristow is travelling to Southport by road. That in Italy most broken springs...
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A BIG MEETING OF LONDON ANCILLARY USERS. An important meeting of ancillary users in the Metropolitan area is being held by the...
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T HE Associated Road Operators held its first public meeting in Liverpool, on Monday, When the speaker was Mr. Wyndham Gibbs,...
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Rothamsted experimental station disproves the objection to rotary power agrimotors that rotary cultivation gives too fine a...
Down County Council is to buy six 3-ton lorries. Hastings Corporation is buying a Carrimore Kidderminster Corporation is...
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The 20th examination of the Institute of the Motor Trade will be held in Loudon and provincial centres on November 29. The...
WITHIN the next four weeks, 26 W 2,000-gallon Leyland tankers will be operating in Iran for the AngloIranian Oil Co., Ltd., and...
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'THERE is every indication that the National Road Transport Conference organized by the Commercial Motor Users Association,...
of America's Road Transport ly/HILsT America may be able to W show us something in the way of sky-scrapers, Great Britain has...
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WE are able, this week, to supplc• VY ment the brier forecast, published last week, of the exhibits to be seen in the...
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N OW that the Mersey Tunnel has proved itself an immense success and a vital link in the road communications between Liverpool...
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A LTHOUGH the Engineering and / - 1 Shipbuilding Exhibition at Olympia was devoted mainly to exhibits concerning other branches...
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The Position of the Jack and the Side Thrust May Increase the Load by as Much as zoo per cent. By FRANK R. CARR (Accessories...
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Road Test No. 225 G REAT interest was aroused, during the Scottish Show, in November last, when it was , announced that an oil...
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THAT once a B-licence holder has I obtained certain conditions on his licence, they may not be varied, except in the case of...
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By Capt. E. H. B. Palmer, 0.B.E. I F one desires a Utopian view of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, it may well be considered...
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S COME interesting pointers on the trend of commercial-vehicle design in America were given us by Mr. W. Wallace, director and...
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R EPRESENTATIVES of the employers in the Northern, NorthWestern and Yorkshire Traffic Areas were in consultation at Newcastle,...
rOMPLATNT of alleged illicit opera tion by C-licence holders, who were stated to have regularly used C-licence vehicles for...
A N important meeting of the NorthWestern Area Joint Conciliation Board was held on September 12, following dicaffection in...
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HEAVY LOADS ON LIGHT VEHICLES. [4636] I have never been able to understand why • it. is considered in certain quarters...
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New Power-harvesting Equipment A NEW type of machinery for power harvesting has been introduced by Ransomes, Sims and...
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USING THE D.H.86s AT HOME AND 'OVERSEAS. F OLLOWING the -experience of the past nine months in the use of D.H.86 Express Air...
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PASSENGEk TRANSPORT NEW I.F.S. SAFETY REGULATIONS r XTENSIVE safety regulations for ._...:buses • and coaches were issued on...
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for small oilers S INCE Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Gresse Street, Rathbone Place, London, W.1, commenced production of its...
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I T is now generally well known that London Transport is carrying out a big conversion scheme in the metropolitan area which...
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I MAKE no apologies for returning once more to the subject of depreciation. It is a most controversial one, concerning which...
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wheeled, light goods vehicle forms the subject of patent No. 432,829, by S. T. Brightman, 29, St. John's Street, Bedford. The...