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EWLIERS were praying for an eleventh-hour reprieve from a ttional dock strike as we closed for Press this week. Many fear that...
TRANSPORT MINISTER Norman Fowler has made an order transferring the business of the National Freight Corporation to the...
A SYNDICATE and discussion session entitled Haulage in Crisis has been incorporated in the Road Haulage Association's annual...
At present, top-weight drivers re paid £78 for a 40-hour week, .25 subsistence, but only get leal allowances in special 3ses....
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SALES of commercial vehicles in Britain fell in August by 20.01 per cent compared with August 1979. At 28,050, August sales...
ERF has announced a further redundancies in its product area which is already workin two-day week. The comp; has also reduced...
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GOVERNMENT's plans for selling the 91 heavy goods vehicle ing stations are ill-conceived, according to the Freight Transport...
NOW is the time to mount a campaign aimed at boosting express parcels carriage, according to Road Haulage Association Express...
INDUSTRIAL survey has ealed a 30 per cent increase vacant industrial property, 76m sqft of warehouses Ifactories having...
THE FIRST regular year-round passenger and freight ro-ro service between the Faroe Islands, Scotland, Denmark and Norway will...
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OLLOWING a successful trial period, Pandoro have concluded a 12nonth agreement with the Mersey Docks and Harbour Company for...
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A LINCOLN company has been ordered to pay £470 compensation to a driver who was unfairly selected for redundancy. An...
BRITISH Road Services have won a distribution contract from Uniroyal worth Elm a year. The two-year contract — for delivery of...
THE FIRST of a new series of two-day road transport security seminars will be held at the Orford Management Training Centre,...
REDUCED hours and the tachc graph should be looked at a new opportunities rather tha problems, believes internationi management...
A FIVE-year contract vehicle package has been agreed be tween Plymouth-based Tecale. mit Group Services Ltd and Renwicks...
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ITZERLAND is considering i entering the country in an in the roads to rail. he Swiss move follows the .ning this month of the...
border tax imposing a border tax on lorattempt to divert more goods about the amount the Swiss will charge to encourage the...
E passenger/cargo ro-ro yesWinston Churchill has rened its winter schedule, and ?,e round trips between North elds and Esbjerg...
A ONE-DAY conference on transport policy, Into the '90s, is being held by the Chartered Institute of Transport at Liverpool...
STEPHEN TRENNERY will shortly take over as traffic manager of the National Bus Company's Eastern National subsidiary. He has...
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ONLY ONE of the three biggest trailer manufacturers in this country will be exhibiting at next month's Motor Show — Craven...
BASED ON the Continental design of combined jetting/vacuum tankers, "Whale Tanker Ltd's new Super Jetvac is built for higher...
J AND B Scotch Whisky has taken delivery of seven single compartment 20,000-litre (4,399 gal) stainless-steel tankers, worth a...
GREASEATERS Ltd have w drawn from manufacturing servicing parts clean' machines. An arrangement has b made between Sketchley...
TO MEET a demand from so operators for a more powe eight-wheeler, Seddon Atkin: has made the 400-Series air able with a...
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THE BELIEF that quality is the prime interest of the tyre conmer, Continental, the German-based company, has ploughed ck DM150m...
ERF's B gets light ERF has reduced the unladen weight of its standard 'B' Series 4x2 tractor by half a ton. The frame...
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THE SHROPSHIRE-based Whittle Group is taking advantage of the Transport Act. From October 6, it is launching a daily service...
BUS AND RAIL services b tween Dundee and Carnoust have been co-ordinated under major reorganisation carried oi by Tayside...
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UBLIC transport throughout the financial cutbacks have slashed Bexhill-on-Sea, in East Sus3x, for example, has already ad its...
COTTISH local authorities have een assured that the Governlent may reduce the £7.5m perating surplus target which it as set for...
NATIONAL Bus subsidiary Crissville must lose 450 of its 3000 employees in a move to keep pace with the recession, and at least...
LEYLAND'S Lion B21 singledecker could soon be offered to British operators who want an alternative to the integral National 2....
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A neat new way of taking the heat off AS REPORTED briefly in last week's CM, Quinton HazeII has introduced a new...
WHITE Truck Concessionair seem unperturbed at repoi from the United States whe White Motor has entered Chs ter 11 bankruptcy...
DODGE TRUCKS is exhibiting a special municipal version of its 50-Series at the Works and Highways Exhibition in Torbay on...
CUSTOMERS buying any rn vehicle from Leyland Vehicl range will be able to take adw tage of Truckcover, an optior insurance...
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Lpg: a tax assurance /AVID MACKRILL of LPG Truck 'ower Ltd is quoted (CM August 0) as saying that the Governnent is disturbed...
HAVE READ in the corresponence pages in CM, and else/here, of the problems facing us operators who purchase ew buses that are...
I HAVE just read Commercial Motor and was surprised at your prejudiced attitude towards CB radio. Certainly CB is fun, but it...
HAVING read Mr Bowling's letter "Camshaft plan a Catch 22" (CM August 23) I regret very much that this customer has found it...
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Next year, sometime...? The Press launch of the face lifted DAF F2800 Series was in all senses a sporting occasion. It also...
PHIL IVES was not the only sportsman at the launch. There was, for instance, David Vine, the BBC television sports presenter,...
COURSES of the kind introduced by army officer selection boards are being applied to industry by the Leadership Trust. A. E....
IF you pop into Simpson's London's Piccadilly (not to I confused with Manchester's in tationi for a suit or a shirt h tween...
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THE British Standards Institution is likely to give approval in October to the proposed set of standards aimed at allowing an...
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WHEN LOOKING for energy conservation, the first impulse is to consider the power unit and its output. Is 290bhp a luxury, could...
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A VAST RANGE of equipment is available to the transport operator who has storage and warehousing facilities. But it would...
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RAN - SPORT and distribution 'onagers cannot afford to igpre the claim that demountable Ddy systems save up to 20 per nt on...
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by Graham Montgonneril THE USE of lpg as an alternative fuel for automotive use is not new. Several companies specialise in...
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RESIDENTS in blocks of flats adjoining one of the Copenhagen Transport bus garages are bringing a test case against HT, the...
EUROPE'S first hotel to be built and operated by a vehicle manufacturer is expected to open shortly in Stuttgart. On a site...
tance and improved life, and Scania's limited capacity Katrineholm body plant only builds steel-framed vehicles, HT has again...
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4IL FREIGHT evokes little enusiasm from the road haulage dustry —understandably so. n a number of the longer trunk Ins rail can...
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TO P C Quango blight THE CURRENT situation offers a new experience to the road haulage industry. Up to now, with one or two...
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Unfair dismissal: 2 by Douglas Ain ley IN THEORY, employees who win unfair dismissal cases, stand to gain large amounts of...
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THERE ARE FEW sets of initials more familiar to everyone than TGWU or, as frequently shortened, the T and G. if trades unions...