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A CLOSE study of the 38 clauses of the Road and Rail Traffic Bill is certain to cause some perturbation in the minds of many...
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C ONSIDERABLE help would be given to the gas industry — and, incidentally, to coal mining — if more use of gas were made for...
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That " alphabet " frames are very popular now. That tax dodging will continue to be the main aim of designers. Of a...
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"The wheels of wealth will be stowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the •...
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Presentation to Wigan's Manager. On the occasion of celebrating their silver wedding, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brierley entertained to...
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The improvements committee of Chester Corporation has considered the question of the traffic over the Old Dee Bridge and of...
GLOUCESTER Corporation is buying six - Thornycroft 32-seater -bus chassis. ABERDEEN Corporation has ordered four Thornycroft...
Simple Cam-operated Device that Adjusts its Working to the Demand A S the fuel tank is freqtiently ,located lower than the...
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Oil Engines W ITH its long experience of oil engines the M.A.N. Co., of Nuremberg and Augsburg, strictly adheres to the...
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The Contract Question By Joseph Keeling Secretary, Yorkshire Coach Owners, Ltd. I N examining the question of contract...
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mriE many uses to which the camera may be put in commerce and industry generally are so diverse that no concern of any...
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LOADS OF 7-8 TONS A NEW model, introducing to the trade a novel class of vehicle, has been placed upon the market by Pagefield...
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J T will be interesting if the old controversy as to the relative merits of compressed air and electricity as a source of power...
W ITH a view to reducing fuel cost, many operators are interested in devices that aim at burning oil in engines of normal...
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T HE pair of back doors of a van may 'be hung on a type of hinge that swings them clear of the rear corner pillars, so that...
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to regulate the carriage of goods on roads by motor vehicles, and prevent the use of vehicles on certain roads ; to amend the...
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PRODUCTION 0] THE BEDFORD T HE monthly output of chassis from the Luton works of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., is in the vicinity of...
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MITE annual A.C.F. trial, known as the Rallye des Carburants Nationaux, is to be combined, this year, with the historic M.C.F....
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Important Air-route Prospects in Wales. The Port Talbot municipality has selected alternative sites for the construction of an...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [4048] Sir,—The very up-to-date news in your issue of March 31 concerning the new Daimler...
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T HE signwriter's skill invariably commands admiration ; his is a highly specialized craft. His scope, however, is necessarily...
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MUNICIPAL PRIVATE POOLING PROPOSED BY COMMISSIONERS. A POOLING arrangement between the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co.,...
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THE restriction of picking-up points in London will be dealt with by prominent speakers at a mass meeting to be called by...
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THE Eastern Traffic Commissioners have announced their decisions in connection with applications by the Eastern Counties...
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of clever design An S.U. Electrical Device that Fulfils the Exacting Requirements Necessary for Use on Commercial Vehicles T...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent London's New Transport Statute. T HE London Passenger Transport Bill...
W E understand that among the various types of high-pressure greasing equipment to be used by Castrol appointed garages in...
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T RADE in general is improving steadily, if more rapidly in some trades than in others. The lighter sections are most active,...
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HAULIER and CARRIER T HE other day I met a leading light in the haulage induStry, and he told me of an experience which, so far...
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"nATENT No. 389,166, by E. C. Marston, 19, Lightbody Street, Liverpool, describes an ingenious form of trailer for the...