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T HE linking up of Hauliers Mutual Federation with The Council of Retail Distributors, recently announced, implies, we might...
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A T one time the Royal Automobile Club had an .excellent reputation in the motoring and even the commercial road-transport...
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Children's Practical WHEN driving on a concrete Joke Which Might " road one frosty morning Cause Accidents . we saw a cyclist...
That all is set for the spring cleaning of Europe. That it is not every Ford that produces a Thames. Of vehicles that corner...
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T HE Minister of Labour and National Service has now given effect to the proposals of the Road Haulage Central Wages Board for...
T HE annual conference of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers will be. held at the Connaught Rooms,...
THERE has been some discussion in 1 national road transport association circles on the Bricks (Range of Prices) No. I Order,...
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A TABLE of the M.O.W.T. period hire. rates concerning C-licensed vehicles accompanies this -pa ra graph . It Must be pointed...
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A MONGST transport men there is an axiom that traffic facilities create traffic. The truth of the converse of this is...
IT is unusual for a body to be so designed that i.: can be used for furniture removals or as a cattle carrier at will, but such...
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Notes and Convnents on a Stout Piece of Work by a Subsidiary of Associated Road Operators: a Schedule of Costs which is...
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H AD we the ability to see around corners or through brick walls, it is possible that some of us might be able to forecast the...
NEW COMPANIES . Lewis Brothers (Cuddington), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. April 6. Cap. 412,000 in 41 shares. To carry on the...
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There Have Become Apparent Some Important Changes in Policy, But More Must be Conceded if Unity of Representation is to be...
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Haw a Haulage Concern, Founded in a Small Way in a Semi-rural District, Established Itself as the Result of Organized Handling...
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y OUR leading article of December 10, 1943, concerning the experiences., of . a Southend haulier who is' an ex-Service man from...
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A Delijate Situation Throughout the World in Respect of These Vital Materials is Becoming Apparent T l-IE future of world oil...
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Road Transport Presented with an Excellent Opportunity of Stating a Strong Case for Justice and for Such By Freedom as Will...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published 11° provide increased temporary passenger accommodation,...