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rr HE problem Of devising a form of gear - 11 -. which will provide something approaching an infinite number of ratios belween...
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J OURNALISTIC work is ofitimes productive of coincidences which are always more or less interesting. One that has just occurred...
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Of yesterday's mud becoming to-day's dust owing to a gale in the night. That the only grousing parties on the road are those...
Scene : A rather lonely spot with a ditched steam ,wagon. Mr. Knowall, passing in a car, stops. '` Can I be of any assistance?"...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport al whatever potatfra rising,. as a carriage is by the...
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T HE company making W. and 0. commercial vehicles, W. and G. du Cros, Ltd., 17,7, The Vale, Acton, London, W., has recently...
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The Experience of Our Liverpool Correspondent Who Made the First Journey to London by the Newly Inaugurated Service. TIT_;RING...
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T_TAVING inspected numbers of com mercial vehicles, particularly passenger models, incorporating sheet-metal fitments of...
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Details of a Remarkable Vehicle in which the Independently Mounted Front Wheels are Driven by Cardan Shafts. O NE of the most...
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Conditions Implied on the Sale of a Motor Vehicle as to Fitness for a Particular Purpose. T HERE are usually a great many...
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I T is nowadays generally accepted that four-wheel brakes are the proper and most effective means for .checking the speed of...
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Although well in advance as regards the total value, the present year is not showing any development in the number of...
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Three Interesting Chassis Recently Introduced by the American Maker of Rugby Vehicles. C OMMERCIAL vehicles to carry...
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Haulage Contracts not Generally Capable of being Cheapened by "Mass Production" Methods. fT1HAT article of mine on...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. 598.—An Improvised...
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A New Method of Lining, which gives a Better Result, Making for Longer Bearing Life. WHERE will be general agreement with the...
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Details of a Simple Variable-speed Gear. W HEN considering the various points in the design of the aver: age motor vehicle...
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How Vehicles are Packed at a London Works for Shipment. I F the reader will imagine a convoy of lorries—heavy six-wheelers...
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The Sentinel Six-wheeler Patents. A Gear Train as an Alternative to Chain Drive Between the Wheels of the Bogie. VI - 1HE...
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S 0.11E interesting figures of production have recently been Circulated by a Continental authority and we give them as they...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. A NEW ALL-WEATHER COACH BODY. A Bournemouth Coachbuilder's...
Labour Congress Calls for a Transport Ministry in Order to Secure Better Control of Transport Services. A CONSIDERABLE portion...
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Details of the Operations of the Berlin General Omnibus Co. in the Year 1927. QOME interesting facts and figures Kt are...
Important Roads that Provide an Opportunity for visiting Scenic Districts. MIFF; Hakone Lake district in south eastern Japan,...
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The Results of the Municipality's Bus Operations During the Past Year Reveal the Progressive Character of the Passenger...
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The Cooling of Engine Oil. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2694] Sir,—With reference to the article in The Commercial...
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Interesting Contributions from Maintenance Engineers, Drivers and Mechanics. The Adjustment of Taperroller Bearings. MHE...
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A Resuind of Recently Published Patent Specifications. MHE idea of a travelling floor for the easier handling of goods is not...