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T T is most probable that in the coming year the -I-possibility of hauling much greater loads by the employment of suitable...
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Not every announcer as a pronouncer. Cf a heavy demand for driving gloves. That there's almost a coal glut already, Of bumpy...
41 He That doth exceed The speed Decreed Need Not be Of the Road H.O.G. Breed."
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by. alt difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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A Brief Survey of the Session. The Use of Trailers in Crowded Streets. Dangerous Roads and Unsatisfactory Surfaces. Headlight...
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MHERE was an unusually large attendance of interested parties— both local authorities and private bus proprietors—at a...
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Details of the New Welding Trailer Designed Essentially for Moderately Fast, Heavy Haulage. T HE first points which strike the...
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Some Promising Rivals to Phosphor-bronze for Worm Wheels. S 03,IE extremely Interesting facts regarding the development of...
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A Sacrifice for and Contribution to the Cure for Industrial and Social Unrest. By Edward S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E., M.Inst.T....
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T HE tipping wagon is one of the most useful vehicles on the market for certain classes of work, and is much used by...
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Where Improvements are being Effected Electro-pneumatic Door Control. Stu nts Noted at the Works of a Bodybuilder. Passenger...
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T IIAT a good deal of opposition is to be expected to the ambitious motorbus developments contemplated by the Newcastle...
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Designed for Use in the French Colonies, the Wagon and a Tractor Have Already Made a Favourable Impression. T-G XSHAW steam...
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A Clear Explanation of the Changes in the Scale of Licence Duties that Comes into Force on January 1st. I N an earlier issue...
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T HIS is the season of the year when the shopkeeper with a philosophical turn of mind wonders what he would do without his...
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How the Advent of the Passengercarrying Road Motor has Changed the Character of the Town of Skipton. A urHouan so near the...
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T HERE are so few changes of any considerable magnitude in the chassis details of the Ford that one which appears to have a...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. BUS PROGRESS IN COUNTY DURHAM. Interesting Details Revealed at...
The Comprehensive Nature of Existing Services Responsible for the Refusal of a Request for Further Facilities. TN few parts of...
The Remarkable Progress of the United Automobile Services, Ltd., as Revealed by a Review of the Past Year's Activities. MITE...
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Some Details of a Fleet of Vehicles Built for Service in the Federal Capital. J P is now g eneral knowledge that the Federal...
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An Unusual, but Even Entertaining and Intriguing Experience, which Did Not Mislead so Much as the Title. By Fred Gillett. H...
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Limited Companies and Small Haulage Businesses. The Advantages that Accrue from Registration Under the Companies Acts. A...
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The Editor invites corresPondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors, Letters should be on One side of...
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Saving Oil on the Leyland. Why Boiler Tubes Leak. Dismantling the F.W.D. Gearbox. Crankcase Cleaning. Obviating Oil Leakage on...
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Some Useful Contributions From Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Taking up Play in the Drive of a Steam Wagon. A FTER running...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Spedlications. "EDWARD SOKAL, of New York. in j 1 1 his specification, No. 261,052,...