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A S a history of commercial road transport, the first Henry Spurrier Memorial Lecture delivered last week before The Institute...
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Aluminium ColdI/ARIOUS cup - shaped parts working Processes v with cold-forged bottoms, Save Machining. combined with extruded...
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That quick slows the Don. That Mr. Strauss wants hauliers to waltz to his tune. 0 That many a haulier sheltered in a Morrison...
R EAD this, all you hauliers who dream of plenty of petrol! The Iguanodon, a new product of the concern of...
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1.1I,T.E. HOLDS A BRAINS TRUST T HE third meeting of the inaugural session of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers was a...
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of the Gas Research Board, 1, Grosvenor Place, 'London, S.W.I, has published a first report on radiant heating (GRB 15). The...
MR. R. H. Fire - Ea has been appointed divisional manager for the north for the Marsham Tyre Co., Ltd. Mit, D. G. NORTHAM,...
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THE difference between the American 1 and British bus has not been caused so much by the dissimilarity of geographical and...
A RR A NGEM E NTS for the use of A - 1-cinematograph films in the campaign against nationalization of road transport were...
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N.R.T.F. has issued to its area liaison committees and others a useful note on carriers' liability in respect of free lifts to...
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I F I wait here at the traffic lights, I thought, sooner or later the red will stop a bus for me, which will save me the...
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Preaching to the Converted is Not Enough, Says Our Contributor. We Must Secure the Support of Everyone Who is • Interested...
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Conlintung a Pre-war Policy of Fleet Standardization,aProminent Timber Haulier Takes Delivery of New A.E.C. Machines A HAULAGE...
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p RJOR to 1933 the Southern Railway agents in char g e g e according to the various goods and parcels stations in the Metro...
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Products as Used on Thornycrof Amphibious Machine A S an example of the contribution .made to the war effort by tyre makers, it...
keep an oil engine at the peak of its efficiency it is vitally essential that the compression should be as nearly perfect as...
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Attack on the R.H.A. Manifesto, Made by Mr. Maurice Webb, Vice-chairman of the Parlianientary Labour Party, Draws a Powerful...
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L AST week, the London Area Committee of Transport Services, Ltd., held its annual dinner, when the chair was occupied by Mr....
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Milk Haulage Rates A Challenge Emphasizing and Extending the Claim, made in a Recent Article on Milk Haulage Rates, that the...
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UERIES ALL MUST FIGHT AS ONE AGAINST NATIONALIZATION, I WAS very interested to read the article by Mr. E. B. 1 Howes, in your...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published. Copies May Be Obtained from the Patent Office. Price...