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W ITH reference to our comments in this column last week upon the need for granting to proprietors and controllers of motor...
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Coach drivers—it pays. R.T.N. touching on light topics. That the L.G.0.0. set up new records for 1921. That there are many...
When tyres wear out too quickly tyre manufacturers and coneessionnaires invariably suspect overloading. The driver of a,...
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"The wne,els of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The railWay companies included in the North-Western and Midland group have taken the interesting step of setting out, in the...
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Devised to Give a Large Seating Accommodation, with the Load Spread Over Three Axles, Bradford's New Trolley-bus will Help to...
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Where They Can Profitably be Employed—Future Prospects—Numbers in Use—Their Average Life—Recent Improvements. S OME very...
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The Demand Amongst the Better Type of Coach Passenger and Tourist is for the Utmost, Comfort and Convenience, and Coachbuilders...
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Particularly Addressed to those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing. 0 NIX millionaires can...
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Modern Tendencies in Design. En Difficulty. The Importance of Ventilat Wheel pate Weather Protection. The Hood lisposal of...
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order to maintain the efficiency of a A fleet of motor vehicles, or even of an individual vehicle, it is essential to ascertain...
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An Important King's Bench Decision in a Test Case, in which it was Contended that a Motor Coach is Plying for Hire when Picking...
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Coach proprietors have why, captost without exception, reached the stage of definitely planning for the forthcoming season, and...
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A T this time of year -the coach -proprietors in the South of France are commencing to formulate their plans and put their...
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On the Choice of a Commercial Motor. The Call for the Perfect Vehicle and How the Requirements are Met. I T IS hardly within...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford "). I HAVE had quite a number of questions as to whether it is possible to...
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A Common Error is to Suppose that with More than Two Axles a Difficulty is Created lu Gettifig Away from the Kerbside. It is...
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Unfair Taxation of Motor Coaches. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1908] Sir —At a general meeting of motor coach owners...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. C ONTRIBUTIONS are invited for t:::.: page...
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A Page for Drivers, Mechanics and Foremen. A Useful Tundish. The sender of the following communication has bee,, awarded the...
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A Resum6 of Recently Published Patents. The idea of keeping the circulating Water at boiling point is not new to readers of...