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OME drivers object to the use of running recorders on their vehicles. In certain cases this may be for the reason that they...
Long Chapter oi T HE danger of icy roads is Accidents Caused by I one of the worst that has Icy Roads to be faced during cold...
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That this is the grouse season for coach operators. That those who support unofficial strikes may " miss the bus." Of the...
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B y the end of November, 1948, the production of British commercial vehicles had exceeded by 1,563 the output for the whole of...
A N appeal by the police against a decision of the Caxton, Cambridgeshire,magistrates in dismissing a case in which the owner...
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H AULIERS who object to the granting of licences to competitors, on the. 'ground that sufficient transport already exists, must...
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A SERIOUS drop in passenger traffic has taken place on Belfast Corporation's transport system during the period April l 1948,...
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forms of -..transport may take at least ,19 years. The changes necessary to reduce costs—the introduction of a greater degree...
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A MECHANICAL monstrosity" was the description applied to the six-wheeled bus by Mr. Raymond Birch. chairman of the Public...
MDVEMBER'S exports of commer" cial vehicles exceeded in number and value those of the two previous months and were again above...
A LUMINIUM alloy, note being used t — kextensively by Leyland Motors, Ltd., in the construction of drivers' cabs on...
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governing the transfer of licences are dealt with at length by the Appeal Tribunal in a decision issued this week. The case...
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BRUSSELS SHOW British Manufacturers Take the Lead in Exhibiting a Wide Range of Vehicles, Many of Which Have Been Specially...
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SWIFT - 1 ] • Avenger • ... T HE high power-to-weight ratio of the Commer Avenger underfloor-engined passenger chassis...
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.A DUAL-PURPOSE insulated van body, designed rA_ for the transport of eggs to London and of quickfrozen foods on the return...
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C. S. DUNBAR, Isle of Wight M.1nst.T. Railways Necessary? T HE situation in the Isle of Wight is of particular interest at...
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T HE otherwise admirable leader, Feed for the Guinea Pig " (December 31), is severely marred by the defeatism of the concluding...
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S IMPLE in design and easy to manipulate, a lightweight works truck, powered by a 90 c.c. four-stroke air-cooled engine, is...
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of a "Closed Shop" T HAT 1 am still receiving inquiries from people who wish to start a haulage business is, to me,...
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How Bad Treatment of Metals in the Foundry and in Hardening May Affect Life of Finished Components "ATTGUE," as a term...
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in the news • MR. W. P. HASTINGS has been appointed a director of Speciaildid, Lid. • MR. P. a S. CLARK has been • appointed...