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T HOSE who appreciate the potential value of the gas turbine as a commercialvehicle power unit may view • with some misgiving...
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T HE future plan of operations of British Road Services is now becoming clearer. At least 76 depots, strategically sited mainly...
The Bear Idea IF ANYONE would like a three-year-old black Himalayan bear weighing about 200 lb., friendly and decorative,...
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That this should be a good haul year for every haulier. The private owner's plea that a car can carry all the purchases, bulky...
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WITH Parliament reassembling next Tuesday, political activity in Tv transport is warming up. A new campaign for a reduction in...
MEARLY half the fleet of Mr. E. C. Goddard (Claremont Haulage), 96 Hackford Road, London, S.W.9, is affected by the part...
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F OUR more bus companies in Yorkshire have announced their intention of applying for higher fares consequent on the recent pay...
U SE of public transport should be encouraged to reduce traffic congestion in Manchester, said a report presented on Tuesday to...
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MR. B. A. GAY has succeeded MR. V. V. THORPE as Bristol district manager of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. MR. LESLIE W. WEST has...
TN the Chancery Division, last week, 1 Mr. Justice Danckwerts held that under a contract between W. W. Drinkwater (Willesden),...
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nIFFICULTIES experienced by the big steel companies in South Wales in moving their products by road were mentioned by Mr....
F IVE units with premises and including 180 vehicles, 23 trailers, 22 additional vehicles and four additional trailers are...
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" IF it is desired to operate longdistance express services, ought those services to be operated under one road service licence...
T HE last of three appeals relating to "holiday services from Yorkshire to Torquay was concluded by a Ministry of Transport...
TORQUAY was now sufficiently i important to warrant an express coach service from the West Riding, said Mr. A. W. Goss, for...
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LL IST 8 of transport units has been outstandingly successful and has demonstrated a continuing .strong demand for small units....
A SUGGESTION that a special sign should be displayed on pedestrian crossings to indicate when they were being controlled by...
C OMPLETE denationalization of road passenger transport is advocated in a three-point plan for suggested Government action...
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XPERTS should make a comprehensive survey of all forms of transport so that politicians could be advised for the benefit of the...
T HE major oil companies have raised the price of standardand premiumgrade petrol by id. a gallon and of oil fuel by id. a...
Fares "Absurd " " IT is quite absurd that one person should receive concessions just because he travels a moment before 7.30...
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rRITICISM of the undertaking's " high administrative charges" was made by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, Major F. S....
nPERATORS intend to press as a '6- , matter of urgency for a voice on the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee....
THE value of a suspension system based on rubber elements for goods vehicles was emphasized last week by Mr. A. J. Hilst,...
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F ROM a land of contrasts come conflicting opinions about the usefulness of British Road Services. Their most staunch...
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y EARS ago, when I was building up Red Arrow Deliveries to give a nation-wide service for smalls, I was presented with...
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The prototype vehicle was produced in February last year, and since then has undergone thorough testing and development. The...
A FTER six months' experience with 15 Dennis Falcon one-man-operated buses with Strachans lightweight 30-seat bodywork, the...
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HE few technical novelties that are to be seen at this year's Brussels Salon, which opened last Saturday and closes next...
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reports in connection with the refusal of the Licensing Authority to renew our A licence (which was one of the first to be...
IT appears to me, in reading the letter from B. T. Pratt I published in your issue dated December 24, that he may have gained...
I NOTE the somewhat sarcastic comment on the new book "Elements of Transport" by Schumer in the issue of The Commercial Motor...
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F ACED with the problem of finding money for the proposed increase in wages, the representatives of the railway workers found...
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A NOTHER 60 lorries have been bought by Mr. W. Storey, of Portare, Ackworth, near Pontefract. The transport units concerned are...
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HE impact of the dock strike was reflected in the export figures for November, when 7,785 units were shipped, against 9,665 in...
NAUNICIPAL transport managers and 01 chief engineers from a wide area of the north and Midlands were invited to a demonstration...
The Gregoire system is used in the new Dennis ambulance with Perkins P4 oil engine. Semi-elliptic springs with only a small...
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I RECEIVE many complaints of - rate-cutting. Some are supported by statements of facts and figures, but not all _ the...
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A GAS TURBINE constructed in a form favourable for mounting in a road vehicle is shown in patent No. 720,201 (Fiat Societa per...