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S OME time must necessarily elapse before it will be possible fOr the Minister of Transport to establish the contemplated...
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That " wobblers " fill hospitals. Of sunshine instead of sun shying. Yery little noise frorn ground gears. That we must have...
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"The wheels of tvestiala will be slowed by all diOculties of transport at whatever points arisin, as a carriage is 61 the...
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Questions to the Minister About Compulsory Insurance for Thirdparty Risks. Loading and Unloading in London Streets. Road...
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How the Machines Fared on Their 760-miles Journey ; the General Impression Created ; an Excellent Piece of Propaganda. B...
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ELECTRIC RUNABOUT ⢠A Modification of the Chassis which Competed in Last Year's Electric Vehicle Trials and now Used as an...
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A Description of Some Interesting Covered-top Vehicles for the Nottingham City Corporation. W E have recently been able to...
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The Haulage of Foodstuffs by Steamer and Trailer. What Should be the Charge on the Tonnage Basis, giving a Reasonable Profit to...
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'THERE is every justification for the assertion -I that the brakes on the goods vehicles and motor coaches run by some users...
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Where Such a Vehicle Can be Efficiently Employed. How the Makers are Catering for Users' Requirements. ⢠riONSIDERABLE...
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A WELCOME addition to the motor fleet of the Paris police has just been made in the form of an ambulance ear for the transport...
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I N CONSIDERING the battle which is now progressing between the solid tyre and the giant pneumatic, one is inclined to pay too...
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Is It Possible Reasonably to Expect a Material Improvement in the Conditions which are Now Prevailing ? 1TR. F. G: BRISTOW,...
The Saving in Running Expenses by the Use of British Vehicles Enables a Concern to Buy Two New Vehicles per Year. W HEN a...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. ⢠A LUXURIOUS 28-SEATER MOTOR COACH. Brief Details of an...
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How the Birkenhead Authorities are Meeting Local Traffic Needs by Additions to their Bus Fleet. T HIS season the Birkenhead...
Details of the Agreement Arrived at between the Corporations of Hartlepool and West Hartlepool. MHE controversy which has...
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How Efforts are Being Made to Attract and Encourage Motor Coach Traffic to the Royal Lancashire Society's Show. A T TEE...
ITIHE Prt4re's - s Bus Co., of Huntingdon, are as enterprising as their title suggests, for the latest addition to their road...
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Interesting Tests Carried Out Near Farnborough on the Burford Kegresse 2-tonner. AATE were ascending an indescribably rough...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, Which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. TINT THIS series of...
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Practical Suggestions by Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. T HE Many uses to which a hand or breast drill can be put in the...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. MHE form of universal coupling which will permit of an error of angle...