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A GENERAL Election cannot be long delayed October 12 is a popular tip. That leaves just over two months to consider what the...
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'last disaster ris road tankers are e safest in the world, for hcoming legislation e account of lessons it rom the recent disi...
THE West Midlands region of the Trade Union Congress is pressing for a four-day working week. More than two million West...
reater London Council has been recommended to adopt w salary scales for London Transport executives, in line ecent Boyle...
RS of 30,000 manual workers employed by the National gh Corporation have submitted a claim for pay parity with orkers in the...
GOVERNMENT transport policy is still falling short of the Labour Party's 1974 election manifesto, says the party's latest...
BRITISH Roads Federation chairman Tony deBoer h-as accused the Government of deliberately taking risks in public road safety....
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CUSTOMS and Excise officers will be co-operating in the future development of the port of Dover after a meeting last week aimed...
FREIGHTLINERS is now to be handed over to Br Rail on August I, said Br Rail's freight manager F Patterson last week. In an...
LEYLAND Vehicles Limited deputy md Jack Smart takes over operational responsibility for the company from August 1. He will be...
FREIGHTLINERS has w new El million contra( move parcels in the UK fo Post Office under the r Postliner — and it exp( that the...
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E FRENCH authorities ' e lifted a ban on British ls who, it was alleged, had d false permits for TIR 7k in France. 'his was...
M ERCIAL MOTOR'S increasingly ce sful Livery Competition struck its St successful note so far last week en the awards for the...
STONEFIELD Vehicles has been granted an extra Om by the Scottish Development Agency. This brings the SDA's stake in the...
PETER LAND, director of corporate planning at the National Freight Corporation and a speaker at this year's Commercial Motor...
Lord Davies of Leek must be kicking himself. There he was, all in favour of a Liberal amendment to the Transport Bill which...
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CONFLICTING statements from both sides of the political fence on heavy vehicle taxation have been criticised by the Road...
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STOCKPORT owner-driver Christopher Murphy, trading as C & J Transport, had his 0-licence revoked on the grounds of insufficient...
EXPANSION of the Leeds Containerbase due to cost around flm was announced by the Containerbase Group on Tuesday. The work will...
AGREEMENT on some issues has been reached by the British Association of Owner Drivers and the Road Haulage Association. This...
A PLEA for Governmel tion to ensure that amb( red reflective plates ar played on lorries delis goods from the Continel been...
ALL CARDIFF Corpon dustcarts are now back road following the spot by Department of Trai engineers who found 14 council's 42...
THE TRANSPORT Di ment has turned down gestion — made by Ti Higgins (Tory, Worthi . that there should be motorways giving...
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:ONSORTIUM of four maorganisations operating tic tolled bridges and tun: will present a case for rernment assistance to the...
RE Midland bottlenecks will result if the M42 Curdworth ■ elby Magna motorway is built with two lanes and not three, ; a...
ENFORCEMENT action should be taken to force a Lanark haulier to scale down the size of his business. For the present business...
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SAVIEM has introduced a floor-mounted gearchange in place of the steering column type on its SM 36280 and SM 38280 tractive...
A NEW tractive unit, the FT 2300 DHRE, has been introduced by DAF Trucks (GB) Ltd, now in its sixth year of operation in the...
A NEW concept in semi-trailer design is now being offer& Monoframe (Marketing) Ltd, part of the Hudson trans group in Romford,...
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, SIX vehicles in the new ✓ 240 range feature the N D2566 MF naturally rated diesel engine. This is d on the familiar D2556 7...
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THE OWNER of a struggling mini bus company swindled the Greater London Council out of nearly £1500 with school bus journeys...
BRIGHTLY painted buses should be run on tourist services in central London, says Greater London Council's London Transport...
DIAL-a-ride bug services in the UK are the subject of a st published by Cranfield Centre for Transpot Studies. The purpose of...
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CONDUCT of an operawas irrelevant when conTing whether a road ser licence ought to be ited, under Section 135 of Road Traffic...
:ON DHAND bus auctions gaining momentum, with ther due at Reading on 27 eading Transport has en British Car Auctions to ose of...
COACH drivers have been advised to steer clear of Westminster Abbey on Tuesday, August 1. A service for Anglican bishops —...
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AS QUEUES of lorries stretched a maximum of six kilometres from the border back into Austria on Friday, German Staatsminster Dr...
THE BAVARIAN special controls on the border were made not only as a contribution towards road safety and for the sake of the...
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NSTRUCTION of a new riem plant at Batilly, Eas Fiance, has progressed he stage where three main ldings for body and cab...
DE;1 a current re-equipment programme for the United tes armed forces in Germany, almost everything from a eelbarrow to maximum...
BUS LANES in Paris — another 110 km are to be introduced — have made a major contribution towards regularity of the French...
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a big problem for owner-drivers, who were certainly not considered by those responsible for drawing up the "grandfather rights...
a state as the roads, they would soon be off the road. When you pay over E1,250 a year road tax and of the 365 days in a year,...
of your readers have had experience of Michelinmade tubeless rims cracking between the stud holes. We operate a 2 1...
I find an interesting comment in your July 9 issue, by Brian Kelly of the National Federation of Self-Employed, about the ACAS...
Certificate of Competer when you stated that it is "gc for road transport and ml eventually raise standards." I agree with...
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E 159 NC 17 is Fiat's conAO in the fiercely corniti e 16-ton market. It fole Continental way of nk ng along with, for im le....
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SINCE the Second War we have had a mixed economy in Britain. The National Freight Corporation represents the State's presence...
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The RTITB's latest publication, "Managers in Road Transport," is a mine of useful information if you happen to be a transport...
engineer in Dublin: "Why do you ' impose a tax on imported vehicles?" "To protect our own vehicle building industry," came the...
The ultimate in oneupmanship seems to be the Decimo Goldfinger and Goldfinger World Traveller "liquid crystal ultra-thin...
Eyebrows tend to be raised when 26-year-old Frank Owens, who drives a DAF 15m artic for David McCulla and Sons, of Northern...
Foyles in Charing Cross Road, London, is a shop that I try to avoid. Once inside I am immediately bemused by the rows and rows...
I have always been wary of staff suggestion boxes. Some of the ideas I have heard of would deprive the country of its...
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1/1PlY RUNNING and dead ileage are not necessarily e same thing. This became apparent when (4 staff men examined why so any...
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WHEN a colleague asked members of the Transport Association about back loading, their reaction, by and large, was less than...
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AVNER-DRIVERS have ound their own way round he problems of empty runling with the formation of heir own freight offices serring...
EMPTY running is a matter which should concern industry in general but the road transport industry in particular Whether or not...
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IN THESE days of very high performance engines, every component in the unit is working near its capacity. Even so, engines in...
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IN A SHORT list of the major medical achievements or di appointments during 30 years of the National Health S rvice, at least...
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UBM GROUP managing director Gordon Reed is retiring to become a nonexecutive director of UBM Transport Ltd and will act as an...