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T HE DOMESTIC coal consumption last 'year, according to the Controller of Coal Mines, was 35,000,000 tons. We are not going too...
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Of the camouflage of Curry. Of Stenson's safe thousand. That E.P.T. will remain at 80 per cent. That many have expected...
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"The wheel of walth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is the roughness...
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The Simple and Original Double Worm Drive and New Detachable Wheel Straking System of the Howald-Gerster Tractor. G REAP...
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7 — Driving a Haulage Contractor's the Work. Vans—How TI F ALL THE many changes wrought by the war none is'inore outstand ing...
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A prize of £1000 is offered by the Automobile Association for the best invention' enabling coal-gas to be used with advantage...
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Ploughing Depths. Competitions and Record Attempts. , T HE CONTROVERSY CONCERNING dep - th of ploughing is still raging more...
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Will the Growing Popularity of the Industrial Electric Provide the Gar4e Proprietor with a Further Field for his Activity ? By...
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Is a Change Coming in American Design ? Is a Change Coming T HERE HAS ALWAYS been a very big something as the difference...
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Recent Developments, Improvements, Hints and Wrinkles. Novel Gas Bag Coupling. There has been introduced to our notice during...
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The Future of Motor Transport. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1592] Sir,-----Some of your readers who are interested in...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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An I.C. Engine Cable Set. This week, as last, We have to draw attention to an improved and novel design of motor-driven...