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Neither pedestrians nor drivers of motors are particularly enamoured of tramcars, and the manner in which not a few L.C.C....
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A Brief Description of Some of the Ingenious Methods of Manufacture in Vogue at the Works of Commercial Cars, Limited. In "THE...
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The Franco-British Exhibition has brought a swarm of motorbuses along the Bayswater Road, and competition is very keen....
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When, last week, the Police and Sanitary Committee of the House of Commons considered a Bill promoted by the Corporation of...
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This journal has an exclusive, genuine and maintained circulation: members of its Editorial staff have practical experience and...
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Mr. A. P. Donnison has left the Hopkinson Engine Co., Ltd., of Huddersfield. I understand that Mr. Brown, formerly manager for...
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A Description of an Eight Horse-Power Friction-Driven Machine which sells at 200 Guineas Complete. Any new petrol-driven...
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The last meeting, for the session 1907-8, of the Incorporated Institution of Automobile Engineers, was held on Wednesday the...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Progressive Views of Mr. Corrie Grant, M.P. Opposition to a provision in the Burnley Corporation Bill, giving the Corporation...
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The cone type of clutch, particularly that in which the driven member is faced with leather, is undoubtedly the form of...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....
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REAR-AXLE.—Straker.—No. 3,967, dated 21st February, 1908.—This invention relates to vehicles designed to carry heavy loads. In...