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The old cry is again being voiced by tramcar enthusiasts, that it is unfair to put upon a tramway undertaking the charge of...
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That there was paraffin in that petrol can. That the next Subsidy Trials will not include parcelcars. That Carlsbad's latest...
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The first batch of buses, with which it is intended to assist the working of the Hochbalingesselschaft new bus-train system,...
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By Our Special Correspondent in New York City. [Editorial Note. — We are happy to place before our readers the following...
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It isalways encouraging to prospective users of motor vehicles to hear of the experiences of large and well-known firms who are...
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Various New Powers. The Widsail Corporation has obtained a clause empowering it to make the use of taximeters on licensed...
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We refer editorially, on the first page of the issue, to the positien of the Middlesex County Council Bill by which, it is...
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The issue of this journal dated the 4th prox. will be publibhed on Thursday evening instead of Thursday morning—a few hours...
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The prospectus is issued of British Isles' Oil Producers, Ltd., with, an authorized capital ef £1,000,000, divided into 120,000...
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E of THE SSIS With a view to the introduction of as much variety as possible into the present series, our choice for the third...
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An Account of a Run with a Device that Has "Made Good." We were recently afforded an opportunity of making a run on cote of...
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On the 3rd May, in the village of Pinne, near Posen, and in the presence of a, number of officers of the General Staff of the...
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Davies' Heels. Luton Skulls, Artistic Advertising. By 'The Extractor." If I were to be made a Judge of Assize or a Recorder,...
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Design of Steam Tractors. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. E1342] Sir,—Allow me to reply to your correspondents Mx. Lalonde...
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Where to Buy your SuppEes. The Latest Warrow Valve-grinder. We have received for inspection from Brown Bros., Ltd., Great...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Front-wheel Brakes. An Electrically-driven Vaporizer. Hydraulic Jacks. E. S. ALCXANIIER, No. 7256, dated 27th March,...