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F OR years the problem of the gold standard worried our currency and other experts, but now we are faced with an even More...
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W E referred last week to proceedings which were taken at Bradford against two drivers, the offence being that they crossed...
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LTHOUGH the requisite 90 per C /cent. of the shareholders of 'the Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd., havc accepted the offer of the...
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TO enable the British heavy-vehicle industry to take advantage of he present world demand for vehicle, world interests must be...
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with the evo lation of a common policy for the co-ordination of transport were being discussed by the Road and Railway...
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Crawler Tractor F ARMERS in this country will now have the opportunity of purchasing a British-built heavy tractor of the...
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THE prototype S model decker under-floor-engined bus single THE prototype S model decker under-floor-engined bus chassis,...
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L . AST year the 865 vehicles of the Scottish Co operative . Wholesale Society, Ltd., carried goods valued at £50,000,000 and...
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A N earnest and successful attempt to meet specialist requirements is seen in a van body built by The Wokingham Pantechnicon,...
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By J. C. Gillham O NE of the biggest problems encountered in bus operation to-day is that of the peak period, when perhaps 50...
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Logging Outfits A LOGGING outfit in which the load relieves of "pull" the reach member that runs between the tractive unit and...
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R ECENTLY in an Australian publication it was suggested that consideration was being given by English car manufacturers further...
but I - . can assure trite. %By 'running modern .buses (not so silent) .alongside trams with -noisy bogies on a wavytrack:. on...
A LEADING article Published in 6 ` The Commercial Motor" some months ago deplored the lack of initiative, the unwilling and...
YOUR road-test report of the Seddon tractor with two - speed axle and semi-trailer, published in your issue dated February 6,...
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WHILST.acknowledging the " Crellin Duplex" system v - v for coach seating as ingenious, I do not think such arrangement of...
made of mobile projection units for entertainment, training and educational purposes in the armed forces. A vehicle of this...
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By, J. ,D. M cLintock F EW people, even within the road transport industry, realize how great and how direct a contribution to...
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to America with an idea for selling ice-cream. He suggested to his company that a fleet of tricycles be employed to market what...
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I N a footnote to a letter in our issue dated April 2 we asked for the names and addresses of commercial-vehicle garages which...
B UILT to carry a maximum of eight 1-,coffins, the body of the "Handy" shown in an accompanying picture, was constructed by...
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I T seems that once again, as happened after the 1914-18 war, men who are coming out of the Army, especially those' Who were...
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A Resilient Body-to-Chassis Connector I NTENDED for positioning, between body' and chassis, a resilient member, shown in...