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in our industry but few of them put their thoughts on paper. Amongst the latter, however, is Mr. C. B. Nixon, chairman of...
Uniformity in Road Signs? PURTHER efforts have been made towards a 1 uniform road - sign system, with the object of increasing...
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Of foolish-virgins dashing belatedly to buy anti-freeze. That a shortage of cciaches is hampering the Hockty Association That...
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O N behalf of Mr. Harry Yates, president of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, Mr. Arthur R. Knowles,...
BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT WHEN Mr. A. T. Lennox-Boyd, Minister of Transport, introduced " the Transport Bill for...
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Mai. J. T. GREY has been appointed a member of the Scottish Transport Users' Consultative Committee. • MR. A. J. GURNEY, a...
"Haphazard Denationalization " • PRECIPITATE and haphazard denationalization might create more A problems than it could hope to...
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Transport Co-operatives for Small Operators : Bus Companies to Sell Railway Shareholdings • SEVER' criticisms of the...
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CURTHER increases, this time of stage-carriage single fares, are being sought, by Ribble Motor Services, 1 Ad.. "Vie extra 71d....
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A COMMERCIAL version of the Fordson Major agricultural tractor will be shown at the Smithfield Show at Earls Court from...
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finding with Figures IN an address to the Institute of TransI port in London on Monday, Mr. F. A. A. Menzler, chief...
W HEN four men were fined £5 10s., with 15s. costs, at Darlington, the question arose whether a lorry bought for spares and...
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Denationalization Too Hasty: Levy Shows Government's Lack of Confidence in its Own Plan: Inadequate Safeguards for Railway...
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example was soon followed by numerous innkeepers. In the early days of the industry, all beer produced in an establishment was...
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By R. A. Esmonde msport Development Engineer, Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd. T HE carriage of .goods in bulk eliminates the...
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By John Manley Birch T HE free-enterprise coach and bus industry welcomed the earlier edition of the Transport Bill as being on...
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were still being executed by manufacturers for the Road Haulage Executive, and makers were being pressed by officials for quick...
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F OR the trader anxious to provide local delivery services at the . minimum cost, the exhibits at the Cycle and Motor Cycle...
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B OTH sides in the wrangle over denationalization are trying to make capit a l out of the growth in the number of vehicles...
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T IM proper control of lubricant and water temperatures combined with the use of H.D. Supplement I oil, was advocated by Mr. R....
IN 1951, 12m. tons of goods were Learned by road in Israel, whereas the railways conveyed only 910,000 tons. Most of the road...
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A POWERED steering mechanism ti forms the subject of patent No. 679,346, which comes from Ross Gear and Tool Company,...