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TN the haste displayed by the Minister of -I-Transport to bring into force the many provisions of the Road Traffic Act, there...
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is little realized, but was mentioned to us the other day by Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E. Many engines run with but little noise...
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That bearing diameters mean much. That, nevertheless, they are too often overlooked. That the oil lamp is likely to suffer an...
They were entering the . Aldwych Theatre to see Ralph Lynn in one of his very funny shows when she said, " I hope you've got...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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HVDDERSFIELD Corporation has ordered seven A.E.C. Regal buses. OTLEY Urban District Council hag decided to purchase a Vulcan...
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T "-passenger-transport department of Nottingham Corporation is, we learn, about to put into service a new six-wheeled...
A RECENT announcement by Peugeot (England), Ltd., of 75, Filmer Road, Fulham, London, S.W.6, is to the effect that certain...
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-W HEN the Dennis Arrow chassis was first placed upon the market about a year ago, a great deal of interest in its design was...
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DESTINATION AND ROUTE INDICATORS Some Notes Upon Various Patterns of Box for Housing Indicators, as well as Upon Route Boards,...
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those who are in a Position to Criticize the Proposed Regulations— LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP! TIT:RING the war, when there was so...
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Motor Show, the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, asks us to announce that it is placing on the market two new...
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'Under the Road Traffic Act, 1930 The Third Instalment of Our New Series of Articles Which has Been Specially Prepared and...
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CARBURETTERS AT CONCERT PITCH A S a carburetter is a delicate device it is essential that, before attempting to make...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3225] Sir,—I have been interested of late in the articles of " S.T.R." on the problems of...
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A N interesting appliance for expediting engine reconditioning i being shown to the trade for the first time at this year's...
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A T the Royal Show, held at Man chester, this summer, there was displayed on the Eagle stand a trailer chassis equipped with a...
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Notes on a Variety of Aspects of Coach and Bus Travel PLYMOUTH'S BUS-STATION PROBLEM. The Advisability of Providing a...
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The Regulations of the Traffic Act Cause Local Coach Owners to Consider Their Common Interests. A N important amalgamation,...
A FURTHER Ministry of Transport inquiry into an appeal against the refusal of Swansea Corporation to license a South Wales...
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A Crossley Double-saloon Bus used for Conveying a Party of Delegates to a French Conference. • W HAT is said to be the first...
Brief Details of Some of the Chief Passenger-vehicle Exhibits at a Belgian Show. 0 ;' of the most interesting sections of the...
What is Revealed by the Report of Halifax Corporation for the Past Year's Operations. T HE recently issued report of the...
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Possible Exhibition in Denmark. T HE attention of British makers of commercial vehicles is drawn to the movement, which is...
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THE HAULIER AND CARRIER What Shall if Profit a Man To Go Out Every Day With His Motor Vehicle and Earn Only Its Bare Cost ?...
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Constructional Features of an Interesting Hydraulic Device which is Finding Favour in the Commercial Vehicle Field I N our...
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some novel features is described in patent No. 334,992, by J. Mains, of 8, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1. The driving shaft...