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F ULL justification for our campaign to have road transport quickly an d thoroughly organized for emergencies, such as that...
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Commercial Vehicles WE have often to admire the Essential for Mass vv outspoken articles appearMovement of Troops . ing in our...
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That women are to return to crinolines. That if they do, the doors of taxicabs will have to be widened. That it may also...
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ALL BRITISH CARRIERS' NEW ACQUISITION. All British Carriers, Ltd., has acquired, by amalgamation, the wellknown Cardiff and...
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rantages in War Office Trials S TORMY clouds clothed the mountains of North Wales for the commencement of the War Office...
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G RATES Solving the Problems of the Carrier • More About Budgeting as a Basis for Assessing Rates, with Some Examples of How...
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kmongst Prominent FEATURES OF r EE PARIS SHOW T HIS year's Paris Salon is, indeed, a queer one. Although in the touring-car...
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New Tecalemit Appliances which Simplify and Speed Up Servicing Operations DU' 'G the past few years Tecalemit, Ltd., Great...
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A Rates Structure and System of Classification which Have Revolutionized Conditions Hitherto of a Chaotic Nature "I FORESEE...
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Association Personalities KEEPING ON TOP OF TRANSPORT TROUBLES. Mr. J. F. E. Pye, chairman of the Metropolitan Area of...
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passed some severe strictures upon the Government plans for utilizing road transport, as those plans were divulged and operated...
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and QUERIES ORGANIZING ROAD TRANSPORT FOR EMERGENCIES. 154761 May I offer The Commercial Motor my congratulations on the...
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A Detailed Analysis of the Latest Licensing Figures, Indicating Tendencies in all Major Classes. I N so far as the...
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HALF.-DAY devoted to intensive examination, from ; the commer cial-vehicle angle, of the exhibits at the Motor Show, now...
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MR. RICHARD Eeraorr, a well known haulage contractor of Morpeth, • has been elected Mayor of Morpeth for the next financial...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT LONDON TRANSPORT TO INCREASE FARES ? F OR some time past there has been a prospect of the London...
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Duple-bodied Coaches D ELIVERY is now being given to L./Keith and Boyle (London), Ltd., Harleyford Road, London, S.E,11,...
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fiANY experiments have been made 1V lin Germany with the object of using powdered coal-dust as a fuel for internalcombustion...