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Pooling of technical, research and even financial resources by chassis manufacturers was in evidence at Frankfurt this week...
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HAIN has backed down over the introduction of tachophs and now hopes to introduce the instrument into all iicles over 3.5...
EW standards of equipment r garages authorised to rry out MoT testing on cars d light vans will come into rce on January 1,...
SEVERAL economists and management consultants are to meet to assess next year's trends in the motor industry. At a briefing to...
THE ARMITAGE Committee of Inquiry looks as if it could be set for the chop in the latest round of cost-paring exercises by the...
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FREIGHTLINERS returned a E400,000 loss over the first six months of this year. Managing director Cyril Bleasdale blamed the...
THE DEPARTMENT of Transport has submitted probably the first evidence to the Armitage Inquiry into the lorry, people and the...
owners SI for boom THE BRITISH Association Owner Drivers was back the road at the weekend —1 with a new and strictly defit...
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ERSEYSIDE County Council's Highways and Tunnels Cornttee has decided that a start should be made this year on the st phase of...
MERCEDES-BENZ is to pour more money into its Argentinian production, in yet another move by a Europeanbased commercial vehicle...
SPECULATION was rife in Frankfurt last week when British Leyland's closure plans were disclosed. European manufacturers have...
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DMPLAINTS made that the Sutton and Son (St Helens) Ltd, tbsidiary, Thomas Fleet and Sons Ltd, had not complied with Le terms of...
NEW non-hgv 4x4 rigid, ;ing 100 per cent Bedford amponents is to be marketed y USG of Portsmouth, a iember of the Wincanton...
THE SILENT majority of drivers should speak out now to support a ClOm plan for 10 new roads in Edinburgh. Without them traffic...
WARRINGTON Development Corporation has awarded a £1.09m contract to Robert McGregor & Sons Ltd, Worsley, for Stage One (Phase...
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THE VOLUME of road traffic in Great Britain fell during the first three months of the year, according to Department of...
FROM MID-OCTOBER B +I Line's freight-only service on the Dublin-Fleetwood route is to go totally ro-ro. It will replace the...
MOVES to alleviate probli of heavy vehicles at Crosi Lanes, are being considerec the parish council pending construction of a...
MAJOR re-routing of traffic will be introduced at Denton t Manchester in October while M67 relief road construction IA is in...
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ANOTHER Leyland dealership branch is to open in Peterborough next month. Leicester-based distributor Ford and Slater is...
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THE INSTITUTE of the Mot( Industry is now publishing i . appointment register as separate publication. It WE previously part of...
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(Riding • IDE-ACCESS body building )ecialist Lawrence David of eterborough has extended its mge to eight models by in •...
roblems mode clear THE SOCIETY of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has drawn up a set of recommendations designed to help...
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GETTING on/off site with a Ford Transit can be now made easier by changing to fourwheel drive. All models can be converted by...
A NEW four-stroke V8 diesel engine from the Detroit Diesel Allison division of General Motors Corporation was announced at the...
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ONDON Transport Shopinker bus service is to be ithdrawn. The last bus will m on Friday, September 28. The service, which was...
TO COMPLY with EEC directive 76/114/EEC, from October 1 all new cars and light passenger vehicles will have to be fitted with a...
BUS FARES in the Grampian Region are set to rise again this year because of substantially increased fuel costs. The council's...
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PUBLIC USE of buses and trains decreased and car usage increased during the 11 years from 1965 to 1976, according to new...
CHANGES have been made the Duple range of coat bodies for the 1979/80 seasoi Now BIVIAC 343 rear ligh incorporating rear...
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A FRENCH manufacturer of heavy haulage trailers, Nicolas, of Auxerre, has begun to build its own design of special tractive...
A MULTI-PURPOSE underbody washer/degreasing installation recently commissioned by the City of Bremen transport undertaking is...
AS PART of an advances handling system at ECT (Europe Container Terminus), Rotterdam, a novel method of moving containers...
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by Graham Montgomerie THE PERKINS Engines Group, as reported in our issue of September 7, has put forward a programme aimed at...
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David Wilcox gasps in amazement as lorry drivers from all parts Df Britain demonstrate how to place on artic to within an inch...
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ONE of Britain's leading road transport engineers has retired after a career that started in a bus workshop and ended in...
Soon after Bill Cotton left Commercial Motor in 1 954 he was drilling for oil off the coast of Borneo. Nothing if not...
I never cease to marvel at Bill's extra-mural activities. When he was nudging 60 he terraced a long garden with a gradient of 1...
The name of Cotton still burns brightly in road transport, for Bill's son Michael is public relations manager of Porsche Cars....
Devoted as I am to the Perkins diesel engine, I am slightly disillusioned by the information that it is supplying the motive...
London Transport has been advertising for a press-room team leader. In addition to a salary of up to nearly £8000 a year, the...
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The recently formed Vintage Bedford Club intends to ensure that the old Bedford slogan ''you see them everywhere will continue...
May I say how grateful I am to your staff, especially Mr Bill Brock and to British Leyland, Commercial Department, who, by the...
There are good reasons for many of us to feel fed up at having to toe Europe's line in so many ways, but the majority of us...
Can you help me please with the following queries? 1, With regard to driver hours and records, what is meant by domestic...
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There are still plenty of ideas around but ne prospects for the Eighties are for fewer builders, reports Steve Gray from this...
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Double-headed penny EF SOMEBODY in the Government has not already made the observation, it can be said for him. The Armitage...
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EXPRESS carrier Wilkinson Transport has named Keith Charlton as general manager of its Norwich depot. Mr Charlton joined the...
fleet sales drive by MAN-VW Truck and Bus. Southern British Road Services has appointed a new branch manager for its depot at...