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P ERHAPS the members of the new police patrol, who have been especially trained to draw the attention of drivers to errors in...
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London Transport's WE are glad to learn from Offer to Help RefreshVi c the Londyn Passenger ment Caterers . Transport Board...
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Seldom now of " solid" petrol. That cyclists may soon become " recognized " road users. Of many holiday makers who refuse to...
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I N the Yorkshire Traffic Area, where the employers led the revolt against the old National Joint Conciliation Board, first...
"THERE was oppositiou by railway 1 companies, before Mr. J. Farndale, Yorkshire Licensing Authority, at Leeds, last week, to an...
MARCH SLUMP IN IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. The Board of Trade returns for March, 1938, show that the value of commercial vehicles,...
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to a number of charges, against. Helen Croall and Co., a cone - ern of general merchants and contractors in Dumbarton, it was...
.CAPTAIN C, E. T. EYSTON, 4 , 1. C., has . been ttplexiiiitert - a chrectOi Thornyeroft t nd' , Ltd. ALBERT F. NEAL,' b4....
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That in using a vehicle to draw a broken-down lorry the defendant had made it liable for a higher rate of duty, was the...
A case at Kirkcaldy, last week, beard by Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, was ended by the applicant...
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The North-Western Licensing Authority has granted a virtual monopoly to the railway companies for coal-carrying from collieries...
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I N the House of Commons on Wednesday, April 13, Mr. E. Brown, Minister of Labour, presented the Road Haulage Wages Bill and it...
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HE transport manager is faced with 1 many thorny problems, especially when he is responsible for a combined network of town and...
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" A BLE to mill a passage through unploughed mountain tracks with snow of over one metre in depth'' is the description...
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accelerate bedding-in and to TI minimizecylinder wear during this process, Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., Lymington, Hants, has...
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I STRESSED in a recent article the futility of making casual statements about rates without backing them up by facts and...
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O CCASIONALLY, one hears of N/cases of rapid front-tyre wear for which no satisfactory explanation can be found. Wheel...
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T HE problems associated with road-rail co-ordination, as an alternative to road-rail competition, have been argued--albeit...
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M ANY haulage concerns, perhaps, have proved within the past six or seven years that an excellent business can be capitalized...
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The Story of the Only Woman Haulier Who Has Been Right Through the Business and Still Drives Some of the "Heavies" H ANDLING...
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PARCEL CARRIERS' RATES SUB-COMMITTEE. An appeal is made to parcel carriers in the south-west Lancashire and Wirral areas to...
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and QUERIES 153271 In the article by S.T.R. he rightly says that trouble with batteries put out the electric before the...
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WHILST in France and in Italy the YV employment of producer gas is being forced upon commercial-vehicle users, whether they...
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QUARRYING WORK A MONG the various advantages enjoyed by the County of Salop is the presence within its boundaries of numerous...
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I N a judgment by Sheriff Dales at Aberdeen, last week, an action for £344 18s. Gd. by a Dyce sheepdealer against a haulage...
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Fordson Models 1//ORE pleasing appearance. 1Vilonger body space, improvements to frame, suspension, brakes and steering, and...
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There are Many Ways by Which Petrol is Wasted. Operators Can Save Large Sums by Ensuring that Proper Attention is Paid to All...
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in Parliament ROADS WHERE OVERTAKING IS UNSAFE. UOW many miles of trunk roads, I !asked Sir George Mitcheson, were of such...
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T HE dispute of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., and its associated companies with their employees on the question of...
O NMaY 3 the Brighton Corporation (Transport) Bill will be considered before a Select Committee of the House of Commons,...
P ROLONGED discussion on the question of co-ordinating passenger transport on Merseyside took place at a special meeting of...
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A N application by Messrs. W. H. and F. Schofield, of Marsden, near Huddersfield, for authority to operate 15 excursion...
W E understand that Roland C. Bellamy, Ltd., Grimsby, has purchased the White Hart Motor Services, Bailgate, Lincoln, from Mr....
R. GEORGE SCOTT, on behalf of /VI the Rover Travel Service, Aberdeen, made application for permits for a number of tours at a...
A ZONING " agreement between Liverpool Corporation, the railway companies, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., and Crossrille Motor...
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A SCHEME in which operation of the starter switch causes the vaporization of a small amount of fuel before the starter motor...