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T HE amazing recovery or the anti-socialist ele ments, shown by the results of the recent municipal elections, may be accepted...
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Telephone Service to 'ROTH America and Canada Road Vehicles Making ." are making considerable Headway . . . . use of the...
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That the Budget has gone near to nationalizing discontent. Of a "certain lady on a calendar who is not so. popular as in other...
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A T a meeting last week of Sundert land's Socialist-controlled Town Council the general manager and engineer of the transport...
were defined by Mr. R. P. Bowyer, chairman of the Institute of Traffic Administration, in addresses at Liverpool and Manchester...
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B US operators were warned about the dangers of cut-throat competition at the ammal luncheon in Nottingham, last week, of the...
T HE Institute of Traffic Administration will hold its annual conference at Leamington Spa from September 16 18. Proposed...
MR. G. DRAKE, A.M.I.T.A., has been elected chairman of the. North Staffs Centre of the Institute = of Traffic Administration,...
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A PERTH ironmonger, Mr. W. Steven, told the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority, last week, that up to 90 per cent. of iron...
great advantages of carrying live cattle and sheep by road is that they arrive in excellent condition, for they are always...
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A DECLINE in enrolments and class 1 — t attendances is recorded in the third annual report of the National Joint Standing...
DROCEDURE for delivering white and red petrol was criticized by the defence in a prosecution against a Yorkshire garage...
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Girls in the Leyland Injectormanufacturing Department Work Enthusiastically to Limits of Which Men Might Weil be Proud...
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F OR every 10 m.p.h. of his road speed. a driver should leave ahead of his vehicle at least a distance equal to its overall...
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IDEAL DESTINATION INDICATOR? Much Interest was Aroused in the Recent Article by Charles M. Hendy, Who Here Discusses Some of...
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on the Road improve the physical actions of the eyes enormously. Furthermore, experience has shown that if the uninterrupted...
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CUTS REPAIR COSTS Formulating a Basis on Which to Assess the Output Capacity per Man in Order to Assist in Planning Time...
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THAT much had been done to I improve bus chassis, but little progress had been made in body design, were views recently...
N OTICE of appeal was given at Newcastle, last week, when Ronald Abbott, haulage contractor, of 246, Yarm Road, Darlington, was...
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) the Rescue A T the headquarters of the Birmingham Fire and Ambulance Service there are two adjoining control rooms, one for...
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I N connection with compression-ignition-engine research, information relating to the process of fuel injection is frequently...
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T HE passenger-transport position in the densely populated areas of West Monmouthshire and East Cdamorganshire differs...
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TIPPERS specially designed to meet arduous conditions are being supplied to a well-known concern of British contractors,...
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Further Arguments Against the Tonmile as a Measure for Assessing Costs and Rates B EFORE proceeding further with the argument...
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A FEATURE of the Fottinger type of (t hydraulic transmission is that the drive is never fully interrupted while the engineis...