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LICENSING Authorities are nothing if not autonomou: The latest annual report covering the 11 LAs' activitiE is proof enough of...
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lANSPORT Minister Will . '" Rodgers is to look "with mpathy" at road schemes to lieve traffic pressure on immunities and...
TRUCK manufacturers and dealers have been slammed by the Freight Transport Association this week over the number of faults in...
STRIKE action by 6,000 members of the National Union of Railwaymen is likely unless there is settlement of a dispute over...
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FIAT'S new 16.3 tonne (16ton) gross tipper chassis will be making its debut at this years RHA Tipper Show and conference at...
BOUGHTON Engineering Group has been awarded the Queen's Award to Industry in recognition of its exports. The group has pushed...
CHAOS could result if there is no national road haulage wages body and a wages explosion could well be on the cards, claimed...
THE 1976/77 Licensing Au orities' reports were publisi this week (see News Ex page 24). They contain informati on 0 licence...
DRAFT regulations governii access to the occupation road haulier, now before ti EEC Commission, are expec ed to be introduced...
FERRYMASTERS Middle East is to extend its service with new overland/ro-ro service operating across Europe to th Mediterranean...
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ITICISM of the costs and luency of ferry services to rope contained in a Freight tnsport Association subision last week has...
ndard international and tricted. For operators who broke the nditions of their 0 licence ice in five years, the LA tuld not...
News Extra last week the rticle by John Darker, Parcels: Rodgers can wrap it p", including the sentence: A number of...
THE WELL-established and highly successful Road Haulage Association Tipper Convention takes place next week and CM will be...
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3UTSIDE influences are hayng an increasing effect on now hauliers run their business according to National Freight Corporation...
A NEW six-wheeler from Mercedes-Benz aimed at the tipper market will make its first appearance at the Road Haulage Association...
REGULATIONS involved in exporting animals that affect both the animals and the vehicles will be among the topics being...
RESPONSE to a questionnaire. sent out by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has revealed widespread interest in the...
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• to join the Nationalised Industries Overseas Group to give the NEC direct representation on the three-month-old group. Mr...
the Board's area headquarters at Ipswich, where he took over responsibility for the maintenance policy of 3,500 vehicles. New...
A LIVERPOOL haulier failed in his appeal against a decision to terminate prematurely his 0 licence when he told the Transport...
OFFENCES committed b Charles Mervyn Carr, tradin as Carr's Furniture Removals 21 Marshall Terrace, Gilesgat Moor, County...
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AN ANTI-jacknife device, 01 ginally designed by a Scottis engineer, may be develope now by an American con pany. The device,...
A BUILD-UP of pressure causing a gasket to rupture was blamed for a spillage of hydrochloric acid from a road tanker when...
IF TRANSPORT costs have to be increased, the responsibility "rests fairly and squarely with the Chancellor and his advisors"....
Hanson take-over LONDON haulier and distributor N. Francis and Co Ltd which last year moved its depot to Kentish Town and took...
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Herr Walter Hoh of the Ge man Road Transport Unio who called at Transpoi House, London, last week t discuss tachograph...
HEAVY haulage operators are in for a shock when they next pay road fund tax on tneir vehicles — the rates are going up by over...
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IORITY for buses at traffic Its is now being studied by reral local authorities folving successful tests in Lei;ter and Derby....
AS SUFFOLK County Council Is not allocating financial support to Eastern Counties rural services the company is being compelled...
Barbadian Vikings LEYLAND's Albion plant at Scotstoun has won a £1 million order from Barbados for 60 new Albion Viking bus...
W. ALEXANDER and Sons (Northern) Ltd has applied to reduce some fares in north-east Scotland, designed to bring it into line...
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NATIONAL Travel (North East) Ltd's plans to improve day excursion and short duration tour facilities in West Yorkshire have run...
UNLIMITED bus travel throughout the year — if you've got £94 to spare. The lack of ready cash is likely to be the big snag...
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TRIALS BY Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive with Geartron Automatic gearbox controllers have been so successful...
POWDER Couplings Ltd Hunslet, Leeds, manufactt ing positive displacement compressors has produced new catalogue covering its fl...
BURMAH Castro' oil corripany has taken delivery of two 11.58m (3011) semi-trailers plated for 34.546 tonnes (34 tons) gcw. Both...
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MAINTENANCE of vehicles proved a stumbling block to many operators last year. This is borne out in the latest set of Licensing...
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CM's article (Care and maintenance, April 8), concerning the rolling of articulated vehicles on roundabouts rightly stresses...
aaS owitaceo I was disappointed to find that Mr A. I. Watkinson's reply (CM April 1) to my letter contained nothing new. It is...
1. In dealing with a query in Questions and Answers (CM March 11), you expressed the view that a vehicle licensed at the...
mut embalm The report in your April 8 issue on the Committee Stage of the Transport (Financial Provisions) Bill is not only...
We would like to thank The Hawk for printing the photograph of our promotional vehicle introducing "The Grumblies" (Bird's-eye...
I read ''Class III laws being broken" (CM March 25) and feel readers may be interested in the following: ' I have a son who...
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IMPROVED working conditions in garages can save the bus industry money. This can come about through increasing efficiency and...
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100 tons, the name "Jumbo" is particularly appropriate. Presumably the word Jumbo is common to both the English and German...
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rhere's been no reaction to ny piece (April 8) about NCI do-it-yourself enthusiasts helping to ;:onvert a new workshop at...
Do you know, this is a strange life? Sometimes very fulfilling, at other times very frustrating, but most of the time...
Talking of insecurity, what about British Rail and the NUR? In two separate issues recently they demonstrate definite signs of...
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Dealing with snow and ice needs special precautions WHEN IT comes to reducing accidental damage in wet or icy conditions, the...
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and I would like to know the law about the number of standing passengers allowed on psv and if the total capacity has to be...
would shorn the distance that some have to veil* they used a section of the motorway. Id you tell me if this is permissible? ....
My company is issued with trade plates as a motor trader and we have a breakdown vehicle which is a rigid platform vehicle...
of the ve icle must I provide additional rear lighting during the hours of darkness? A It depends on the length of the...
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MANY large tractive units on Britain's roads today are plated for gross train weights of 38 and 40 tonnes. Among them are Volvo...
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by Les Oldridge, T.Eng(CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE Brakes check REGULATION 94 of the Motor Vehicle (Construction and Use) Regulations...
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social benefits THE GREEN PAPER argues that goods vehicles, through fuel and road tax, contributed More than the cost of road...
THE National Freight Corporation has pointed out the apparent anomaly whereby dery for road vehicles carries a duty of 30p a...
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IIORMAN FOWLER, MP, he Opposition spokesman m transport, made the point irne and again that a kindly iccounting system had ....
IF THE INTENTION is that vehicles must pay their full infrastructure costs and the Government rejects the views of the various...
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ALTHOUGH one 40-ton vehicle will do the work of three 16-tonners using one fifth of the road space and one third of the fuel,...
RESPONSIBLE OPERATORS and all vehicle manufacturers will undoubtedly subscribe to any new regulations which will improve our...
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PINION is largely divided the merits of the 0:ence system. The Green Paper states that e provisions of the Transport A 1968...
THE GOVERNMENT is considering introducing suppler mentary licences within the existing 0-licence system for the carriage of...
THE PROPOSAL to make a charge for authorising the movement by road of abnormally wide, long or heavy loads to reflect the...
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THOUGH the Government has reiterated its intention to extend public ownership in road transport, even the Labour Party's...
IF THE COUNTRY'S econ omy prospers the volume of road traffic must grow. • Therefore, additional roads and improvements to the...
THE GREEN PAPER poses a number of questions about how the bus industry should be dealt with without making specific proposals....
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ROPOSALS have been lade by some organisations, 3tably the TUC, that a new ational transport authority iould be set up to...
A NUMBER of matters considered in the Green Paper which, while they affect road freight and pas senger operators in the conduct...