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T HE opposition to the London Passenger Transport Bill is steadily growing, and now some 140 Unionist Members of Parliament...
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W I1AT is believed to be the largest tyre in the world for road use has recently been completed in the Dunlop works. It is a...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
A comprehensive Manual, with this title, is now in preparation and will be published shortly at a moderate price by "The...
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Mr. F. G. Bristow, F.C.I.S., 11.Inst.T., the general secretary tof the Commercial Motor Users Association, has, as a member of...
'At Southport, a municipal scheme is to be prepared for the provision of sites for motor parks. .Tynemouth Corporation's...
Kennings, Ltd., is supplying a MorrisCommercial 30-cwt. lorry to BURTONON-TRENT Corporation. BRIDGNORTR Town Council has...
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Constructive Criticisms of the Road Traffic Act on an Important and Comprehensive Scale by a Representative Organization MHE...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent London Transport Bill. w HEN the business for the House of Commons...
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MULTI-WHEELED B Y reason of the ingenious means adopted for superimposing part of the carrier-unit weight - upon the motive...
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A ramp and quick-acting coupling are provided, and a handle on the towing pillar is used for raising the front end of the...
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The Licensing System Should Be Modified Instances of Hardship to Passenger-vehicle Proprietors. Six Factors that Require...
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OBSERVATION COACHES W HEN the coach incorporates a forward-control chassis the roof on the near side is often finished at the...
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A DETAILED examination of the complete vehicles and chassis equipped with cabs as shown at Olympia last month revealed a...
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New Product of the Sorbo Concern Comprises Steel-tube Frame with Detach able Upholstery A T the Olympia Show last month...
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The Important Part Played by Road Transport in Distributing Meat to the Consumer from the Large Producing Areas F EW members...
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Exhaust Gases of Oil Engines. Controversy on the Modern Fast Vehicle. " An 261bsolute Friend." Accident Liability The Oil...
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Passenger Transport RECENT HAPPENINGS IN THE TRAFFIC AREAS Conservatives Rally Against London Passenger Transport Bill....
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Sittings Arranged. • THE following are the times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their forthcoming...
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A N unusual suspension system that appears to have certain advantages over orthodox arrangements has been devised by the Swass...
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for use in restricted spaces A RANDY little three-wheeled sweeper, known under the registered name of Reliance, has just been...
A FEATURE of the 150 one-manoperated buses recently put into service in Brooklyn, New York, 'U.S.A., by the Brooklyn Bus...
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HAULIER and CARRIER The Economics of Transporting Cattle, Sheep and Pigs. A Profitable, Steadily Growing Business. How to...
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MHE fuel-injection pump shown in patent No. 361,066, by Heinrich Lanz Aktiengesellschaft, 53, Lindenhofstrasse, Mannheim,...