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THE RUSH up to Christmas is over for hauliers, and for a few days at least harassed traffic men and transport managers will be...
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to N. ' West drivers ERS in North West England will be told to apply a £78 wage individually, if Transport and General Workers...
AS WAGE negotiations continue among the major oil companies in its drivers' attitude to the latest A company spokeswoman told...
GREATER London Council wants to ban heavy London's streets on Sundays and bank holidays. lorries Council meeting last week pted...
VOTING in the drivers' tachograph ballot has been very slow, and a complete result is not expected before the middle of...
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THE YORK Cordon came a step closer to reality last week when North Yorkshire County Council's Highways and Transportadon...
TOZER Kemsley and Millbourn (Holdings) Ltd, has taken over commercialvehicle and car distributors Wadham Stringer. It intends...
ARLINGTON Motor Holdings reports a 50 per cent increase in half-year profits for the six months to 28 September 1979. Pre-tax...
THE FREIGHT Trarisp Association has told the partment of the Environm that the cost to the commui should be included in Oro...
THE ROAD Transport Industry Training Board has fixed cash value of the points it awards for various types of traitii Companies...
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RGANISATION camg for better mobility in on claims that Greater on Council has cut its budget for the 1980s by thirds, but has...
Put six ordinary people in a drawing room to talk over a matter and they will do so quite adequately in simple language which...
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with the best maintenanc ong. Operators could not ntly that their system is is warning was given by ?,IJ Yorkshire Licensing...
EATER London Council ts to ease congestion at south side of Blackfriars I dge by erecting a steel r ver in Blackfriars Road,...
THE LEP Group comes out top in a survey of freight forwarders' pre-tax profits. But its 1978 results of £4.5m profit on £56m...
THE LATEST section of the new A9 in Scotland has recently been opened. It is an eight-mile stretch of single carriageway...
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MANAGEMENT in the future would involve the participation of workers but this must not remove the decisiveness of industry,...
THREE EXHIBITIONS with a strong professional road transport interest are to be held in Paris next April. The first is...
on has welcomed the Transport eport on the damaging effect of THE Freight Transport Associati and Road Research Laboratory r...
COURSES dealing with [or mounted cranes have bE arranged for January Transport Driving Traini (Esher), Sartdown Park, Est...
LANCASHIRE County Cou cil has renewed its plea for motorway link with the from Morecambe a Heysham. The Council has sent a...
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EATER London Council ained silent this week len asked about an inquiry l ich has been launched into don Transport. his follows...
WALTER ALEXANDER, which includes W. Alexander and Co (Coachbuilders) Ltd and W. Alexander and Co (Belfast) Ltd, increased its...
THE USE of Taiwan-made pieces of equipment in British coaches is perfectly legal "at the moment" said Parliamentary Secretary...
THE NATIONAL Freight Corporation parcels carrier Roadline has named Gerry Flanagan as its Midlands regional director. He is...
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BIG CHANGES could be on the way for Coras Iompair Eireann, following Irish Government and consultants' inquiries into the...
THE NORTH-WESTEI Traffic Commissioners ha approved Greater Manches Transport's application raise bus fares by an avera of 14.2...
FIVE DOUBLE-DECKER have been destroyed in a fire one of Ayrshire Bus Ownei (Al Service) Ltd's depots. Three Daimler Fleetlin...
SOUTH YORKSHIRE is continuing its cheap fares policy which will cost £45m to support next year, but West Yorkshire PTE wants to...
CROSVILLE Motor Servic wants to hand over one of i Gwynedd stage services to dependent Clynnog and Tref Motor Company. As part...
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CHUBB rapid intervention vehicle, based around the ge Power Wagon, is gaining wide acceptance according to akers, Chubb Fire...
MITH BROTHERS and Webb Britannia "Strong" vehicle her has been installed at Hales Trent Bakery in Clevedon, n. itherto the...
A WEST YORKSHIRE printing-machine supplier, Milthorpe International Ltd of Wakefield, has equipped an eight wheel 30-ton gvw...
TI TRANSERVICE, the installation and service company for T1 Crypton, TI Bradbury, TI Churchill and CeletteChurchill, has moved...
DUNLOP has launched its Usercare pamphlet series about tyres and related subjects for commercial vehicle operators. The first...
ASSOCIATED Lighting of Lowerhouse, Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire, has introduced new filament lamps which are designed to...
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EMPLOYMENT SECRETARY James Prior says he wants the Government's Employment Bill to "bring back some commonsense" to industrial...
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Course fishing "Education and training are well established in the road transport bloodstream. A course in acronyms could be...
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IF the end of a decade is a time to look back it is also appropriate :o know what operators would ike to see in vehicles for...
SONS and daughters of French road haulage operators who wish to obtain commercial and management training can now enrol at a...
THE FINNISH Ministry Transport has issued a forecai which expects the number buses and coaches in that spa sely populated...
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Graham N/ontgomerie looks at some of e early, and strange, alternatives to petrol power - HOUGH the heavy lorry and passenger...
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for the high ups The British Transport Staff College has an international reputation and deserves to play a more significant...
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Bill Brock turns the clock back and road tests a museum piece. The Bedford KD may not be as smooth as today's youngsters, but...
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WHAT better way is there to sell road haulage than to invite potential customers to an informal lunch, give them a couple of...
I HAVE been trying since August to persuade myself that if I refused to think of the Festival of St Selfridge and All...
THE COMMERCIAL sponsorship of lollipop men threatened with the axe as part of Avon County Council's economy campaign opens up...
MEANWHILE, MAN-VW Truc and Bus is embarking on a upstage programme of sponso ship of the arts as wall as morel plebian cycling...
JOHN FARRANT is pessimistic about the future of the small haulier despite the Government's policy of encouraging small firms....
CYRIL BLEASDALE, managin director of Freightliner Ltd, i terviewed by Civic Trust News was asked about his attitud towards...
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by Frank Lyon OULD like to be able to say, Aladdin's slave of the lamp Environmentalist began),■ your wish is my command. not...