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22nd December 1984
22nd December 1984
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Page 1, 22nd December 1984

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Exciting prospects ahead

THIS is the last issue of CM for 1984. It has been a busy year for us with so much happening in the industry. We are not in...

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EEC compromise

AFTER YEARS of haggling, EEC transport ministers shook hands last week on their compromise deal that sets a 40-tonne limit on...

Motorway mayhem

MOTORWAY safety was thrust savagely back into the public eye last week when 10 people — some of them lorry drivers — died in a...

CM Truckfest

sponsorship TRUCKFEST, the annual truck festival being held on Easter weekend at the East of England Showground, in...

Soton ban

WITHIN six months Southampton will introduce a total street parking ban for goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes. The City Council...

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Wage settlement

THE FIRST official wage settlement this year has been reached in the West Midlands. It is in line with the £5.50 basic wage...

GLC get £21.9m

THE GREATER London Council will take the biggest chunk of the money allocated to local authorities for capital spending on...

Concern about wheel studs

AN APPEAL for funds to research wheel stud failure has been launched by the Institute of Road Transport Engineers. It is...

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Strathclyde PTE safe says Younger

FEARS that Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive would be destroyed by the Government's bus liberalisation plans have been...

Bus buffs' trip

WHAT is immodestly being described as one of the most interesting bus system educational trips ever organised is being run by...

Bus space sells

OVER 30 shell stands have already been sold for thr international Bus and Coach Exhibition being held at Earls Court, London,...

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Dereg 'safe': DTp

Mr Palmer, Department of Transport Deputy Secretary for transport industries, was giving evidence with five other DTp...

BCC responses

IN ITS RESPONSE to the Department of Transport's consultation paper on concessionary fares for the elderly and disabled the Bus...

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Manpower Moves £10,000 pa NHS job for NFC deputy chairman

DEPUTY chairman of the National Freight Consortium Victor Paige has been named by Social Services Secretary Norman Fowler as...

Highland DTS

DUGALD GILL, inspector with Highland Omnibuses for the past three years at Fort William, has been promoted to district traffic...

Dave Hill weighs in for charity

AILSWORTH haulier Dave Hill is not breaking any weight limits these days. That's because he's two thirds the man he used to...

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What Britain owes to road transport

THIS YEAR Britain's manufacturing industries have more reason than usual to thank road transport. By maintaining supplies it...

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Closing the gap

ARE consultants and computer programmers part of the "season of goodwill to all men"? If we believe our friends in the...

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The four-wheel drive replacement for mules

SEVERAL years before the outbreak of the First World War American Army engineers were seeking to replace horses and mules with...

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Wot? No independents?

RUMOURS that the Bus and Coach Council does not wholly represent the needs and interests of its independent members have been...

By appointment to small-firm champion

DAVID TRIPPIER, Minister for Small Industries, was so impressed by AbeIs International's headquarters at Watton, Norfolk, that...

Return of the Keystone Cops

A SARDONIC Terry Law, chairman of NALGO's national transport committee, paints a primitive picture of the effects of...

You'll be excellent — or else!

"THE PURSUIT of Excellence," a campaign by which British Road Services is seeking perfection in all things, is, says the group...

£12m drive to save battered children

THE MOTOR industry, led by Ray Horrocks, BL's group chief executive (cars), is lending its weight to the National Society for...

World tram hopes in a garden shed

THE SCOTTISH International Tramway Association has been formed to look after a garden shed. This began life 80 years ago as an...

£215,000 return on £25,000 gamble

GEOFFREY Pygall, managing director of British Road Services, has every reason to enjoy Christmas. The £25,000 that he staked in...

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is UK's driver ambassador to Sweden "FABULOUS", "marvellous", "unbelievable", "incredible", "smashing". Chris Morris, the 1984...

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Elk hunting

If you don't believe in Father Christmas, don't say so to Chris Morris. He's convinced Santa lives and is a Swede. Before he...

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Ugly brutes and much loved old lorries

Preceptor in nostalgic mood LET'S REMEMBER the pleasant times of days gone by. Why not? Imagine a small West Country town in...

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It shouldn't be in the "fast" lane

I NOTE that in the advert "Bedford means business" (CM December 1, pages 24-25) they inform us all that the new TL has had more...

Happy days at £5 a week •

YOUR MENTION of Redbourn (CM November 10) brought back memories of my early days as a budding commercial driver on the old A5,...

More transport entries, please!

I WROTE last year to seek your help in encouraging transport operators to enter for the Shell Energy Awards. Again in 1985,...

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4 g 1

ad old days' BEFORE commencing our detailed and, perhaps, nostalgic journey through the now tarnished pages of 1934, some...

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Bed and board Swedish style

IF THERE is any truth in the maxim "we are what we eat", a spot check on some transport cafés and truckstops could result in...

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Truckstoppers' tour

While in Sweden the Truckstop winners toured the main Scania plant in &Wendlje to the south of Stockholm. Awaiting shipment...

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Truckstop winners take a bow

Tony Castle. Tony is one of the stewards in the ro-ro drivers lounge on board Sealink's St Anselm ferry. It is one of four...

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What's in a name?

USUALLY it's people like H. G. Wells and Leonardo da Vinci who are credited with the gift of accurate prophecy; with having...

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Burrows is three times a Michelin man

THE BEST PART of becoming Britain's Lorry Driver of the Year comes later. Among a lengthy list of prizes the Michelin study...

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Away in a workshop

Edinburgh, 1941 THE DATE was December 25, 1941. In Edinburgh pedestrians wasted little time window shopping although Princes...

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'I'm a *anger here

myself' HOW MUCH MONEY do operators lose because customers give them imprecise delivery instructions? The trouble arises when...

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A very good read

THE LEYLAND HERITAGE (Temple Press in association with the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust, £8.95) is a well illustrated...

Question and answer

TRUE or false?* Automatic warning signals on most motorways are: A Mounted overhead; B At one-mile intervals; C Mounted on the...

Electrics explained

THE MYSTERIES of vehicle electrical theories are legion which is one of the reasons why many vehicle owners shy away from all...

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That was quite a year

"WHAT did you make of 1984, then?" asked IVIaggie's brother Cromwell. Sensing one of Cromwell's traps I replied cautiously, "A...