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Ti, increased popularity of water-ballast motor rollers is one of the many striking examples of wonderful progress due to the...
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An Illustrated Account a a Stand-to-Stand Inspection of the Second North of England Motor Show. The growing importance of the...
which are specifically of interest to readers of "The Commercial Motor." Albion (65). When we visited Stand No. 63, the...
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Not much of the 100,000 crush at Rusholme. That there is a tendency unduly to increase the length of some models. That some...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. The views of important Lancashire carrying...
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The General Motor Cab Co., Ltd., has now made a rule that no cabs can be allocated after one o'clock p.m. Suggested Bus...
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ingress to the building at Rushohne. It is an easy matter for small vans and pleasure cars with ordinary chassis, but the...
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An Account of a Full-load Run Under Weather Conditions of the Worst. '•YOe nowt. to do but pull them rods, and it goes by...
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Opened in October last, the fine new garage belonging to Commercial Cars, Ltd., at 20, Bridge Street, Deansgate, Manchester, is...
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by VAN, WAGON and TRACTOR. Harrods Ltd. has placed an order with Dennis Bros Ltd. for 12 new motorvans. This has the...
Views from Lancashire. By The Editor. Two recent visits to the County Palatine, during which it was possible to pick up the...
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There was a decided improvement in both the quality and quantity of the various applications of the internal-combustion motor...
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A Van for Six-cwt. Loads, The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR [1494] Sir,—I, like " Devonian" in your issue of the 1st February,...
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The Thomas Electro-Mechanical Transmission. [1935] " MIDDLEMEN " write :—"We have an inquiry fur particulars of a covered van...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...