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W HILST the British motorist, and particularly the commercial-vehicle user and driver, is suffering under a plethora of laws...
T HE recent announcement by the Minister of Transport of a five-year plan of road construction raises an important point, which...
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' IT has been said that the future of the haulage side of the road-transport industry depends upon service to the public, but...
_THERE are many places in the country where I danger points are not yet sufficiently well indicated to drivers who are...
Designed for specialized railway service, the Thomycroft heavy-duty six-wheeled mobile crane embodies many practical features....
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Of the dangers of local traffic experiments. That the old-fashioned style of works outing by coach is undergoing a marked...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Capacious new premises at 52, Finnieston Street, Glasgow, have just been opened by C. Crowther, Ltd., 'Which concern was...
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The Christchurch Tramway Board is calling for tenders, which have to be presented in New Zealand by -April 22, for the supply...
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Mr. J. W. Kidd, general manager of the Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., has been appointed to the board of...
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An Interesting Thornycroft Oil-engined Vehicle Built for the Use of the Great Western Railway Co. in Connection with Its...
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T HE hearing was continued by the Appeal Tribunal, at Edinburgh, on February 13, of appeals by David Auld and Co., Mauchline,...
A SUBMISSION which, had it been upheld, would have created considerable confusion in the granting of licences to railway...
T'HE receipt of warning letters from the Licensing Authority by operators whose drivers have been convicted of exceeding the...
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Counter-proposals in Yorkshire Disclosed at a Meeting of Nearly 1,000 Operators THE campaign of Active opposition to the...
THE Pembrokeshire magistrates have reserved their decision in a case involving the question of the correct definition of a...
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TESTED With the Maker's Permitted Overload Road Test No. 207 A Powerfully Engined Machine in the 30-m.p.h. Class that is...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent REVISED REGULATIONS FOR ROAD TRANSPORT OF ACIDS. I N urging the...
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General Observations on Conditiol the Chief Exhibits of Interest . 'n Germany and Some Details of ongst the Goods and Passenger...
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T FIR Minister of Transport, Mr. L. Hore - Belisha, M.P., was amongst the speakers at the annual dinner of the Institute of...
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1934 JERSEY STATISTICS. F R011.1 the start Of the Jersey service on December 13, 1933, to Deoember 31, 1934, the number of...
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Specified Equipment made by ihe Allan Taylor Engineering and Manufacturing Co. for use on Golf Courses, Aero dromes, Parks,...
Tendencies that are Indicated by the Latest Returns of the Ministry of Transport. The Figures for the Year Show Increases in...
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The Recently Announced Perkins engined 4±-tonner Now in Production. An Encouraging Demand Being Experienced for Fire-fighting...
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Irritating Anomalies in Taxation Schedules. Delay in Obtaining Licences Necessitates the Dismissal of Five Men Drastic...
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The Coventry Pneumatic Railcar Tested by the L.M.S. Silent Running and a High Standard of Comfort QEVER_AL well-known motor...
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I T is understood that Messrs. J. Pears son and Sons (Happy Days Motorways), Liverpool, have acquired the services of E. J....
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T HE Southern Scotland Traffic Cornmissioners are prepared to hear representations by associations claiming to represent the...
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WE learn that the M.T. Co. (Motor W Coaches), Ltd., London, S.E., has purchased the g oodwill of the winter service from London...
Reasons for the Failure of the Appeal of Mr. C J. Randall B EFORE hearin g the appeal, on Tuesday last, of Mr. S. J. Norman,...
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All-round Improvement in Trade. Coal Demand Steady. Better Hardware Business Expected. Fillip to Building Work F URTHER...
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Factors to be Remembered in Recording Maintenance Expenditure. Tables that Provide an Easy Guide to the Entry of Items T HERE...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications that have Recently been Published T HE object of patent No. 422,122, by J. T. Brockhouse and...