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A Proposed Formula with Speed and Wheel-diameter Factors. The borough engineer and surveyor of Southendon-Sea, Mr. ErneSt J....
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The 13ritish-Ameriean Import Co., of 14; Cockspur Street, advises us that it is now able to arrange for early delivery of its...
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The following Rumours, of which the Press Bureau has no Confirmation, but to the Publication of which, we imagine, it will take...
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-The author would like, in the first place, to thank the Centinittee for inviting him to read a paper at this Conference upon...
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A Description of One of the Types of Machine Fitted with Edison Accumulators. Chassis for Loads of from Half-Ton to Five-Tons...
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The third of a series of articles dealing ivith the flooding of the home market with American lorries. The present article...
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national...
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No "Junk " for the French. The Risks of the A.S.C., M.T. Organization or Window Dressing? These messages from Our Own Special...
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By the Editor, The term " horse-power " conveys but little to the non-technical mind. We frequently have evidence before us of...
The latest development of the Ford Co. refers to the manufacture of agricultural tractors. New plant is being laid down and the...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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A Piston-valve Engine. Rolls-Royce Priming Device. A New Frontwheel Drive. Challiner Built-up Wheels. Copies of complete...