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T HE HE PRICE OF coal is, of course, the great topic of the moment. The contemplated increase of Gs. a ton is admittedly a...
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I S THERE NOT just a danger that our war-worn manner of talking in terms of hustle is nothing more than a manner? Our...
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Of a rebate debate. That the creators of the cocktail have got the 'bird. That we spell ft " Yah I Hare Kaiser !" nowadays....
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'The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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A T the invitation of Mr. Peter Suck we recently visited the works of the Motor Radiator Manufacturing Co., which are situated...
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By the Inspector. W HEN ONE COMES to think of it-, there are very few industrial products that advertise themselves so...
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Self-contained Electric Locoi Work in a British Iron Mine. F OR LONG PAST has the faithful and tireless pit pony performed its...
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Intended for the Haulage of Four Tons on a Trailer. T HE WELL-KNOWN French makers, Che,nard Walcker, are making and marketing...
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A Demand Capable of Great Development. Conditions to be Met. E VERY week I open my Commercial 1 fotor expecting to be greeted...
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The Main Features of the AlIdays, Garner and Austin Models. T HE ALLDAYS, All-British, All-Purposes traetor has undergone one...
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How to Handle the Lorry. —Securing Business. By Henry Sturmey. A S STATED in my first article in last week's issue, the agent...
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Self-contained Motor Ploughs, or Tractors ? T HE TRACTOR question is far from being settled yet, in the way of design. We have...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). I KNOW OF no more comfortable going than is .to be got by driving a...
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Some Topical Notes and Comments. . The Voyage of R.34. T HE AIRSHIP R.34 has safely completed her journey to New York and...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SRI - LUNGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this rage; all others are...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. Lubrication of universal joints has ' always been a difficult problem,...