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S OME of the many points raised by Mr. C. E. Jordan, M.Inst.T., in his paper, "Transport Problems Affecting Industry," of which...
Misguided Effort or TIM journal may make Misdirected Labour I itself even more unpopuor Both t . . . . lar -with a certain...
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That we must be on our toes or other people will be. That Ribble trainee-drivers receive road safety lessons in police patrol...
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MATIONALIZATION of Associated 1 Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., is advocated in a report which the Confederation of Shipbuilding and...
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" IT is in the public interest that there should be an end to litigation in this matter," said Sir David Maxwell Fyfe in his...
71NDING Ronald G. Marshall, of Chiswick Breakdown Service, Lon Ion, guilty of the misuse of general rade plates by using them...
D EPRESENTING over 7m. rate11. payers, the County Councils' Association is one of 198 bodies which have registered objections...
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Leyland Motors. Ltd., exported Lii m. worth of vehicles in April and May. The industry is to have 5 per cent. more sheet steel...
MR. F. H. BALE, 0.11E.. M.I.Mech.E.. general manager of Premier Motor Policies, Ltd., has been appointed managing director....
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D EPENDANTS of passengers killed and others who were injured in the accident in May last year, when a Glasgow Corporation...
A T a recent meeting with his staff, Mr. A. W. Hallpike, general manager of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., said...
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VET another State-controlled . bus / company has.filed its second:application for general fares increases within a year. This...
THE Minister of Transport has ,appointed a Transport Users' Consultative Committee fair the• aoutheastern area. Members...
A N application by Mr. E. E. Burton. Wisbech haulier. that certain words should be struck out of the Road Haulage Executive's...
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F REQUENTLY repeated charges that no progress had been made in the battery industry during the past 30 or 40 years were...
.A'ONE who has but a hazy idea of the functioning of a gas turbine carp readily put themselves in a position to talk...
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Delegates Support One-man Buses as Way to Cut Operating Costs. Surprising Approval for Retention or Adoption of Trams C...
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O NE of the first operators to experiment with luxury bodywork on the Leyland Rival Tiger chassis was Blue Cars (Continental),...
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Railway and Road Problems Confronting the B.T.C. and Free-enterprise Operators Referred to in Discussions at the I.o.T....
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Whilst Lord Hurcomb's Determination may be Admired, his Subordinates have Displayed Poorer Qualities in Demanding the...
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A LTHOUGH the Ferguson tractor C i has been used in an industrial capacity .in coal .yards„. docks,.quarries and in factories,...
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By P. G. TUCKER How the Pan-American Highway, the Backbone of the Mexican, Central and South American Road Network, Provides a...
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in the footwear industry says Alan Smith Although British Makers Produce . About • 457n. Pairs • of Shoes a Year, Mostly for...
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POMBINING elegance of line and ease of maintenance to a degree hitherto rarely achieved, the latest body to he built by James...
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Actual Expenditure Operators Should Periodically Check Budgeted Figures Against Actual Costs and Make Modifications...
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likely that the figures in the publication to which you refer will be accepted as necessarily A T a meeting of bus operators...
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p ATENT No.. 652,422 comes from Regie Nationale Des Usines Renault, Billancourt, France, and shows a complete power and...