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TI OUBTS have recently been thrown not only upon the adequacy of the fire-fighting It is unquestionably the case that there...
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rilHERE is still far too little cohesion between the many sections amongst the users of road transport. The views of the...
C ONSIDERABLE influence is exercised upon 1, --/ the efficiency or otherwise of a transport enterprise, by the mentality of the...
Austin Seven car, which is illustrated on this page, is a type which is now under test by a well-known British manufacturer of...
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Of much activity in the Commer works. Of certain nibbles at the fire-engine market. That mechanics are often down in the...
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"Tae wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The tramways committee Of BELFAST Corporation is to obtain tenders for a 2-2i-ton lorry. Kt:warn; Corporation is recommended...
T HE second of three lectures on "Oil Engine Traction" was read by Mr. Alan E, L. Choi-lton, C.B.E., M.P., M.I.Mech.E., at the...
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Two -TONNER T HE motor-vehicle division of the Dainder-Benz Co., at Gaggenau (Baden), in Germany, has just Introduced a new...
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TN a recent article in this journal it was suggested that, to aid in starting heavy engines in cold weather, power should be...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Rail-Road Conference. nrillE Minister of Transport stated .1„. last...
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less Trading Co. (Spares and Repairs), Ltd., Trading Estate, Bath Road, Slough, takes the form of a rigid six-wheeler for...
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for economical transport has directed increased attention to "maximum capacity" vehicles, in either the four-wheeled or...
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By a Transport Specialist W I - 1AT, in fact, do we mean when we speak of mechanical road transport? The latest returns show...
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the Problem of TRANSPORT! N( BLOODSTOCK T HAT the motor vehicle should be selected as the most Suitable conveyance for...
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has been a keen horseman from 1V_Lboyhood, and it is significant that he was one of the first to appreciate the value of motor...
OIR HUGH NUGENT, of Lambourn, is the third generaAi don of his family to adopt the profession of horse training. He is so...
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A FT ER experimenting for some time, Birmingham Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., 127, Park Road, Aston, Birmingham, has...
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T HE Mansion House Association on Transport has now sent to the Minister of Transport a detailed memorandum which is a valuable...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I THINK most readers are aware that the subject matter of these articles is derived from actual problems...
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T HE signs of a Fidespread revival in trade, noted last week, are more evident now, which is a happy augury for the haulage...
WV WITH but few exceptions, practically every form of piston hitherto used in automobile practice has included a gudgeon pin as...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT FOUR HUNDRED MILES IN A NIGHT BY OIL-ENGINED COACH A S briefly mentioned in our issue last week, the...
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Should Protection Be Given • to Buses Replacing Trams ? if ANY difficult questions concerning .11 1 .1the principle of...
Sir John Maxwell on Commissioners' Powers. IN the course of a farewell speech which Sir John Maxwell made at Aberdeen prior to...
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T HE following are the times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their forthcoming public sittings. In each...
Northern Scotland. APPLICATIONS by Dundee Corpora tion, some incorporating modifications, will first be heard at next week's...
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0 NE of the most enterprising and successful bodybuilder in the country is Weyroann's Motor Bodies (1925), Ltd, Addlestone,...
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The Need for a National Haulage Association. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL Mo.roa. [3694] Sir,—Having read with considerable...
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I N Patent No. 367,201, La Thermodynamique, 57, Rue de la Chauss6e fl'Antin, • Paris, describes a means whereby heavy fuel may...