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Once again road transport has been chosen as a principal instrument in attempts to revive our sick economy, and operators will...
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road haulage cost MANUFACTURER PROTESTS AT COST AND MODIFICATIONS ON ABNORMAL LOAD • Despite repeated attempts by a Croydon...
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transport report by Derek Moses VOLUNTARY CO-OPERATION URGED FOR URBAN BUS SERVICES • The advantages of voluntary co-operation...
from our Parliamentary correspondent • Increases of up to 50 per cent in the duty on goods vehicles . . . petrol and diesel up...
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• Mr. William Ross, Secretary of State for Scotland, as road authority, has been held liable for damages to a heavy tanker...
from our industrial correspondent • Pickets were outside Liverpool haulage firms this week as drivers staged an unofficial...
by Ashley Taylor • There was no question of the MoT testini stations running a sort of league table or defects discovered. The...
Transport employees of the North Staffs action group turned out last Saturday to parade around the Potteries in protest against...
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The Shadow Minister of Transport, Mr. Peter Walker, MP, wrote last week to the director-general of the National Economic...
• Some 20 per cent of commercial drivers were ''not straight - , it was stated by Superintendent D. Rees at a meeting on...
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• A highly informative survey of road haulage workers' pay may reinforce the determination of employers to resist pay increases...
• On Wednesday, a delegation—of eigl members and the divisional secretary—fro' the East Midlands Division of the TRT. met the...
• Goods vehicles with an unladen weight not exceeding 30cwt (and therefore outside the new licensing proposals) could...
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0 There is no doubt whatsoever what farmers think of the Transport Bill. Such derogatory comments as "ill-conceived",...
• Of 136 industrial and business users of transport who answered an Aims of Industry questionnaire, 83 per cent were against...
• The Minister of Transport's view that the permitted driving time of transport drivers had to be reduced in the interest of...
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• Presentation of the Don Safety Trophy to the motor manufacturer whose vehicle is adjudged to have made the greatest...
from our political correspondent • Mrs. Castle has tabled an amendment t4 the Transport Bill to require nationalize< boards...
• The Prime Minister was urged this week tc call a conference on productivity to consider the effects on trade and industry of...
• One-day accident prevention conferences tc draw attention to the urgent need for safety train. ing programmes were announced...
• Between 30 and 40 Dodge truck centres are planned for the UK as part of the new Rootes organization for commercial vehicles....
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The date when the "guillotine" will end ommittee discussions of the Transport Bill— lay 15—was decided "some time ago". This...
• The National Freight Corporation, armed with £200m, was to be set free upon the economy to run riot, with the aid of...
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• Cries of horror rang through a Liverpool licensing court on Friday when a haulier said he would require 15 per cent...
• Another North Eastern Co-operative delivery fleet came under the disciplinary hammer of the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr....
• Sir Alfred McAlpine and Son Ltd. advertised last week for tipping lorries to be engaged on motorway contracts in Lancashire,...
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No judgement was given by the Transort Tribunal when it heard an appeal y Salkeld Bros. (Transport and Plant) Ad. on Tuesday....
• A firm which admitted falsifications or records lost three of its A-licensed vehicles last week. John Birrell and Sons, of...
• Transport firms operating in Scotland vere warned last week that too many corn nereial vehicles in poor mechanical condition...
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from our industrial correspondent • A meeting of 2,000 Liverpool Corporation busmen in Liverpool Stadium on Wednesday decided...
• The North Western Traffic Commissioners on Wednesday refused to grant the continuation of a coach/air Continental tour...
The purchase by the Transport Holding Company of the British Electric Traction Group's ordinary shareholdings in bus companies...
• Buses operated by Newcastle City Transport are now carrying posters stating that takeover of the transport undertaking under...
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III As an experiment six buses on London Transport's route 74 (Camden Town to Kingston Vale via Putney Heath) are being quipped...
• The first of 20 Glasgow buses being fitted with radio-telephones—at a total cost of £2,000—in a bid to stop rowdyism, is now...
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by R. D. Cater • With the setting up of a container and semi-trailer manufacturing plant at Dukinfield, Cheshire, the...
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• To enable operators to check whether their vehicles are up to MoT test standard, Crown Garage. ) , Rainham Road South,...
• Seen here in off-road form is a new on/off-road lowloader unit designed by King Truck Equipment Ltd. in conjunction with...
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• RHA appointments which will take effect after the a.g.m. on May 14 were announced this week. Chairman of the licensing...
This new dock-area tug with a capacity of 40 tons, trailer weight was demonstrated this week by ML Industrial Products Ltd., of...
• Equipment specifically designed for weighing and recording the axle loads of container traffic will be the central theme of...
• An Austin version of the Morris Minorbased 6cwt van is now being produced by BMC. The only differences between the Austin and...
• Higher prices for Bedford trucks and p.s.v. chassis and Vauxhall cars took effect on Tuesday. Examples of the new prices...
T. H. Kinning has been appointed Automotive Products group purchase director. to be based at Leamington Spa. Mr. Kinning was...
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Revolutions, whatever their type or their aims, have one thing in common—they cost a lot of money. The container boom is...
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by Handyman Vehicle recovery: tricks, trucks and tactics(8) • I have explained a fairly straightforward task of righting an...
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Has someone slipped up at the Ministry? The proposals published at the end of February for marking all goods vehicles over 3...
Charles Alexander, one time crofter's son, now the Laird of Brotherton Castle in Scotland, is fond of shooting—"but not on my...
Did I detect a hint that Mrs. Barbara Castle had noticed CM's headline "Barbara abandons her brief" (Feb. 23), when she...
The principal speaker at the RHA Hull area dinner on Friday, national vice-chairman William McMillan, was able to claim...
Humanity won the day in Liverpool last week. The vast THC waived objection to a shortterra licence for a man who until 10 years...
"All the commuters can enter by bus if N < 20.2 Pc 2 T 2 G." Extract from appendix to address by Mr. R. J. Smeed, Professor of...
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MATERIALS HANDLING REPORT HITS AT TRAINING STANDARDS • A study group of the National Joint Council on Materials Handling...
Three special topics will be examined in features to be published in COMMERCIAL Mo - ron next week. They are :— • Flat-rate...
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Report by: A. J. P. Wilding AMIMechE, MIRTE Pictures by: Dick Ross THE Geneva Show gets a good deal of attention from the...
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From the horse's mouth WHEN the licensing system was introduced in 1933 hauliers already in business were able to exercise...
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Assoc Inst T Management matters Distribution and marketing decisions 'HE distribution network of Elders and 7 yffes Ltd. was...
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■■111111M The next seven days March 22-28 FRIDAY TRTA IBristol): dinner-dance. Grand Hotel, Bristol, 7 p.m. ITA (Merseyside):...
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and 2 freight containers? Is a series 3 on the cards? A The details you seek are given below. Consideration is being given at...
to carry ballast from the quarry face to washing and cleaning plant, involving the journey which includes approximately...
deliver farm produce from local markets to London and 1 average about 400 miles a week. What is your estimate of my operating...
Transport that four major urban areas in England have been chosen for the first Passenger Transport Authorities to be set up...
but subsequently had to scrap the vehicle and the licence still remains in the former operator's name. I have not sufficient...
What must be done to this vehicle to comply with the new regulations and where can copies of these be obtained? We notice...
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Salford University blazes the trail IN 1966, Salford University (the former College of Advanced Technology) started a...