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Never before, in spite of their very considerable extent, have there been so many generous Press notices of the annual C.M.U.A....
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That not every sideslip is a case of bad turning. That motorbuses often are only dry-shampooed at. night. That when things...
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Mr. Albert H. Stanley' s Views with Regard to Accidents and the Qualifications and Training of Drivers. Part of the Evidence...
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Third Series Mere early rising, providing the weather be at all reasonable, seems to most of the members of our staff hardly...
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Bacup Town Council may shortly apply to the L.G.B. for a fire-engine Joan. Accrington is about to spend 212,000 on a new fire...
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Boys and Trailer Couplings. Sir J. IL A. Macdonald, K.C.B., Lord Justice Clerk of Scotland, who is President of the Scottish...
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Ay "The &")ctra ceor " Another Cartoon at Cast. An excellent impression has been imparted by our artist of Mr. H....
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Without Exception the Great London and Most of the Principal provincial Dailies, as well as many Leading Weekly Journals, gave...
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It will most certainly interest many of the readers of this journal and will, we take leave to suggest, instruct not a few, to...
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There is No Excuse for the Mart who Ill-treats His Accumulators. [We have recently published two articles dealing respectively...
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Notes of Impressions During a May Visit to the Steel Barrel Co.'s Works. We can always be sure of an interesting afternoon if...
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First Motorvan in Bristol, 1905. 150 Calls a Day. Messrs. Jolly and Son, the high-class drapers and costumiers, of College...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commer ial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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N'\VM , M2 1.iZSM Where to I3uy your Supplies. A Waste-preventer Funnel. In a well-organized and supervised garage the loss...
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The sender of the following communication has been awarded the Ws. prize this week. [1272] " J.N." (Holborn) writes :--" I had...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom by the Sales Branch, Patent...