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0 NCE UPON a time a man made a chain cable for work that he had on hand. But its usefulness 'caused him repeatedly to overload...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all ditneulties of transport at whatever points arising, 04 a carriage is by the...
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By Robert J. Smith, C.B.E., C.A. B Y THE death of Sir J. H. A. Macdonald, full of years and loaded with honours, the...
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March Dust. and April Showers. Unsatisfactory Agrimotors. T HERE APPEARS to be no question as to the predominance of the...
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How the Shell Company's Motor Fleet is Kept on the Road. T HE DISTRIBUTION of motor spirit throughout the length and breadth...
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The Foden—Dealing With Worn Points and Providing Against Neglect, and Results of Unfair. Treatment and Against Damage. A l"T...
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By F. Ayton, M.I.E.E.* E ELECTRIC VEHICLE, in its strictly de lined and H lined and limited sphere of utility, has econo...
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Built in Scotland, the New Glasgow Tractor Has Three Driving Wheels. 0 NE HAS ONLY to glance at the tremendous farming areas...
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A T A RECENT meeting of the Birmingham electors, approval was passed on a Bill to be promoted by the Corporation for the...
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No. 4. —Empire Preference and Kindred Matters. T HE BUDGET PROPOSALS made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the House of...
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A PRIZE OF TEN ShILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. This week, again, agricultural tractor patents dominate the field. No....