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W ITH the active concurrence of Sir Robert Tolerton, an inspector of the Ministry of Transport. and the tacit support of the...
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T HE question as to whether a particular coach trip was a "special occasion " which would have exempted the coach proprietor...
Trouble at Folkestone A N aftermath of the Folkestone Conference of the Public Transport Association is that a fairly large...
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the railways and nine I long-established coach companies, the Minister of Transport has made a breach in the existing-operator...
THE names of the three directors to I represent the United Dominions Trust, Ltd., on the board of Transport Unit Finance, Ltd.,...
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B RITISH passenger vehicles gained six out of the first seven places in the International Tulip Rally in Holland last week. A...
manufac-. turers from Great Britain will visit Germany next month as guests of the Verband der Automobilindustrie the German...
debate the composition of the Road Haulage Disposals Board, the members of which were due to be announced yesterday. Mr. A. T....
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• MR. J. MASON has been re-elected chairman of the National Association of Warehouse Keepers. MR. W. BURKE SKIPPER, B.Sc.,...
IN some ways, it was tragic that the J. Road Haulage Executive were to disappear, said Lt.-Col. H. R. CaulfieldGiles, chairman,...
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O VER £300,000 a year was now being saved by thd Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., Mr. J. S. Wills, chairman,...
EE XPORTS of commercial vehicles during March increased in volume but decreased in value. The number, including trailers but...
A FORMAL offer was made, last Friday, by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., to acquire 756,062 shares held by individual shareholders in...
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Grant to United Counties F OR the fourth time since the war, the Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd., last week applied to the...
A S from next Monday, May 25, the following places are added to the list of Grade 1 areas for the purposes of road haulage...
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N O convincing evidence that the roads have, as a. result of restrictions on maintenance expenditure, become appreciably...
INCREASES in costs had more than / offset additional revenue accruing to the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., because of higher...
A PROPOSAL to charge flakate fares on one-man-operated buses was mentioned, last week, by Mr. G. H. Pulfrey, general manager...
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WINKING-LIGHT traffic indicators VV are to be legalized by the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) ( Amendment) Regulations,...
J UDGMEN1 for f664 14s. 5d., with costs, was given by Mr. Justice Stable in the Queen's Bench Division last week against Bee...
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By Interworking and Concentrating a Specialized Service, Parcels Carriers Can Give Users Flexible, Efficient and Cheap...
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By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. I F the Bristol eight-wheeled chassis, at present built solely for British Road Services, was...
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A LTHOUGH the disc brake is 1- 1 extensively used on aircraft, so far it has made little progress on road i chicks. In terms of...
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Efficient Techniques Employed in the Transport System of John Barker and Co., Ltd., Enhance Service to Customers, Yet Do...
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• Meet the increasing competition that will soon develop in road haulage by overhauling your costing system and cutting out...
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Section 9 of the New Act Does Not Necessarily Repeal Enston Decision: it May Only Alter Emphasis on Proof by Objectors to...
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YOUR leading article, "' Braking Heavy Vehicles," in The Commercial Motor of April 17, rightly stressed the need for some...
I READ with interest L. J. Cotton's article, "Alone I. Did It," in The Commercial Motor dated May 1. In reply, I would like to...
MAY we congratulate you on your most successful ivi venture into the use of full colour [issue May 1]. We have no doubt that...
O N page 402 of your issue dated May 8 I noted a paragraph headed "Action Against Drivers," in which it is stated that the...
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By JANUS L ET me never to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. There are and always will be people with vehicles and...
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A Warning to Newcomers Entrants to the Industry Should Make Adequate Provision for Vehicle Depreciation, Otherwise They Will...
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T HE use in this country of the Belgian-made S.G.M.E. wet concrete distributor enables the speed of concrete laying to be...
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A CCORDING to patent No. 688,003, ri the advantages of pilot injection are not realized if the two spurts of fuel are not...