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22nd May 1964
22nd May 1964
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Page 1, 22nd May 1964

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Vital Year

T HE news this week of Mr. A. R. Butt's election as national chairman of the Road Haulage Association is an opportune moment to...

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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT C HAIRMAN of the British Railways Board, Dr. Richard Beeching, faces some tough bargaining...

Switch to Road for Fish Traffic?

"W Ehave reached a decision that the facilities offered by the railways will be, so far as we are concerned, practically...

Operators Object to Parking Payments

V JIGOROUS objections have been V made by the Road Haulage Association to a proposal from the Ministry of Transport that...

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R.H.A. Forms Labour Relations Committee

A LABOUR relations committee was set up by the Road Haulage Association's national council at its meeting last week. One of...

Forked Rates —a ' Stage Further A FTER discussions lasting several months

the European Parliament's transport committee has voted on the E.E.C. Commission's proposals for the introduction of published...

T.R.T.A. to Stress Reasons for C-licensed Transport

C ONCERNED at the lack of general appreciation of why trade and industry runs its own road transport, the Traders Road...

Compact 2,000-gal. Tanker Prototype

A ROUSING considerable interest as part of the Bedford rx Cavalcade is this prototype maximum-section tanker fright) built by...

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A. R. Butt is New R.H.A. Chairman

M R. A. R, BUTT is the national chairman of the Road Haulage Association for 1964-65. He was elected by the new national...

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ROAD , GOODS. STATIONS IN E.E.C. T HE E.E.C. Commission considers it

desirable to establish uniform criteria And principles for the location, function And operating conditions for goods stations...

New Cold Vans for Humber Group

CEEN above is one of eight new refrigh-) erated van semi-trailers built by Bonallack Mann Egerton Refrigerated Vehicles Ltd....

DRIVERS PROTEST AT HYGIENE CHECKS N EXT Sunday, representatives of the

drivers of Marks and Spencer Ltd. are to meet at Birmingham to hear a report from Mr. A. D. Law, commercial trade group...

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Advanced Design for C.I.E. Single-deckers

A N entirely new design of single-deck bus has been introduced by Coras lompair Eireann and the first examples of this class...

Extra Buses Would Mean More Losses

L F' the rail passenger services using du central low-level line in Glasgow wen withdrawn, Glasgow Corporation woulc have to...


FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE London bus pay talks, which unlike negotiations in other industries, never seem to...

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Manchester London in 51hours with a bang!

T " journeys a day each way between London and Manchester on new fast services introduced by the North Western Road Car Co....

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Wide-ranging Discussion on Second P.T.A. Paper

A WIDE-RANGING discussion followed the presentation of Mr. R. Mackenzie's paper on "Some Current Problems in the Road Passenger...

New Hours' Attack? IVER. THOMAS GALBRAITH, Parlia'VI mentary Secretary to

the Ministry of Transport, is considerin g a number of lines of attack" on lorry drivers who work lon g er than they should. He...

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SOUTH WALES FARES NACRE applications by Welsh bus corn1'1 panics

for higher fares were heard at Swansea last week, when the South Wales Traffic Commissioners reserved their decisions. For the...

L.A. Applied Law That Was Inapplicable—Tribunal

" IT is going too far to say that an applicant must show evidence that work cannot reasonably be done by existing hauliers."...


for British Railways, r"k objecting to an application by F. and M. Coaches Ltd., of Birmingham, for an express service to...

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Tribunal Rules on Fast Freights

T HE Transport Tribunal, in a reserved judgment, has dismissed a Contract A to A licence appeal by Fast Freights (Road Haulage)...

Two Grants For Brunt's Coaches

A Napplication by Brunt's Coaches Ltd., of Hatfield, Herts, concerning an additional picking-up point at Whaley Road. Potters...

Island Firm Can Carry to Mainland

A BENBECULA haulage firm in the 1-1, Outer Hebrides has been granted an extension of one of its B licences so that it can now...


I N a written judgment issued last week relating to the Sutton and Son (St. Helens) Ltd. appeal. the Transport Tribunal said:...

Minister Upholds Appeal by Wonderlust

A N appeal by Wonderlust Tours against the decision of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners refusing to grant a road service...

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Ramifications of the Sutton Appeal

T HE Transport Tribunal's judgment in the appeal by Sutton and Son (St. Helens) . Ltd.—a report of which appears opposite—is...

Question of an Addition The Tribunal pointed out that even

if, on further consideration, it confirmed its tentative view that the grant of six vehicles upon the original declaration of...


BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY • statement that among the matters which he had taken into account wa a dechtra : tion as to normal user...

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Linking Licensing Directly with Maintenance

I N some traffic areas Licensing Authorities are following the lead given by Mr. D. I. R. Muir, the Metropolitan Licensing...

Tees-side Long Steel Mr. Hanlon Explains

prIERHAPS it was because the solicitor I appearing before him did not usually practise in his area that Mr. L A. T. Hanlon, the...

Affidavits as Evidence in the North-West

ET'TERS from customers requiring transport facilities are often proffered in support of applications for additional tonnage,...

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Mr. P. H. R. Turner will shortly take up his

position of controller of road transport, Coastlines Ltd., one of the lar g est coaster-operatin g shippin g concerns in the...

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Leyland at French Show

F OUR dump trucks and 19 power and transmission units are being exhibited by the special products diviSion of the Leyland Motor...

Electronics in Recording Wheel Loads

N EW wheel-load classifying and recording equipment -developed for the Road Research Laboratory operates so quickly that the...

REVEALING RICARD 0 DEVELOPMENTS .:( - )PEN Days for clients, .the Press

and others Will be held by Ricardo and Co. Engineers (1927) Ltd. at their laboratories at Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex. on July 1...


MORE REGENTS FOR RHONDDA : The Rhondda Transport Co. Ltd.. of Porlh, Glamorgan, has ordered 12 A.E.C. Regent V double-deckers...

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Brown Bros, Special:zed Services: The latest addition to Brown Brothers Ltd, chain of depots is now operating at Whalley Banks...

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Diesels Standard in New Dodge Range

20WER for a new range of Dodge chassis announced by Chrysler Interiational S.A. will be provided exclusively iy diesel engines....


Arc Welding Hints—Heat Stress and Distortion IN butt welding, prepared plates that are neither clamped nor securely tacked...

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and Publications Strongarm Jacks up to 10 Tons A RANGE of five models of hydraulic vehicle jacks has been developed by...

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By The Hawk VIEW Bright Young Men In a manner of speaking 1 cannot help thinking that Independence Day fell a little early...

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PPING WORK • W HEN is intensive site work on sub-contract profitable to the haulier? It is a typical complaint that...

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WHITE COLLAR PASSENGERS create Chester's peak traffic patterns

By Ashley Taylor Assoc. Inst. T I N the ancient but intensely busy city of Chester, traffic conditions necessitate choosing "...

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T HE first mobile library for Bristol Corporation has just been delivered by Henlys Ltd. of -01dmixon, Westonsuper-Mare, the...

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By NORMAN H. TILI W . HETHER you are on the A13 between Barking and Tilbury, on the E39 heading out of Antwerp for the German...

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I Meet Some Kentucky Hauliers

k FTER the comparative formality of Washington, and my examination of— among other matters—the structure of the American...

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Progress in Plywood Bodies

By A. J. P. Wilding A.110.1.141ech.E. OR some time now there has been apparent an increasing interest by vehicle bodybuilders...

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To Maintain 80 Vehicles

NEW B.O.C. DEPOT P REVIOUSLY maintainedat a separate garage, the vehicles which serve 9,000 customers at 11.000 deliver points...

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'Why is it only the lorry driver who has an image?'

F INE weather at Whitsun brought out the motorists in their thousands and their presence on the roads in such numbers...

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Pros and Cons of Contract Hire

SIGNIFICANT trend in recent road transport developments has been the growing interest shown by manufacturers, distributors and...

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B.M.C. Divh :ast is 20 per cent THE directors of BRITISH MOTOR CORPORATI( hope to be able to recommend "a final dividend at...

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otorway Breakdowns FE note with interest an item in your issue of May 8 referring to motorway breakdowns. From this article...

The Hauliers' Silence F IRST Panorama, now Bernard Braden (on A.T.V.,

May I 9) launches an attack on the road haulage industry. This in addition to sundry adverse Press reports. One thing stands...