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E HAVE ALREADY advoCated in these columns the adoption of the proposal , that all Motoring organizations — should come together...
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That Tea takes toll of the Toilers. That the M.O.M. tractor is still on trial. That New York now has its, own C.A1..11.A....
Co-ordination in the Bulk Movement of Freight by Road and Rail. I NOREASE TON-MILES: decrease vehicle-miles ! This is the...
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No. 1. Points to Remember When Purchasing a New or Second-hand Machine. T HE CHIEF consideration in the commercial use of...
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Important Circular Issued by the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis. . A circular dealing with this important question,...
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Some Account of the Paris System for the Collection of House Refuse. I N HIS RECENT PAPER before the Institute of Cleansing...
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The Albaugh-Dover Tractor Plough and Its Unusual Features. By Henry Sturrney. T HERE ARE CLOSE on 200 different makes of farm...
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How Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Produce is Profitably Handled. HAT HAS MOTOR, TRANSPORT done for Covent Garden?" This is a...
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I MUST BRIEFLY cOnclude the notes of my impressions of the recent trials, and of the con: elusions which those trials help to...
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By "The. Extractor." Before the Restrictions. Not very long before the real petrol restrictions came in, I stole away for my...
L.C.C. Warning. The Public Control Committee of the London Count' Council report on gas filling installations at motorcar...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters shoutd be on one side of...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded rack week to the Fender of the b'est letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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Engine Oil Filtering. The Sunbeam Co.'s latest patent, in connection with the filtering of engine +Si!, appears to be a step...