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Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition promoted by a group of public bodies led by the County Councils Association. In...
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That snow-bound roads are a case for assault. That some people face with horror the prospect of tipping in every direction....
There was a young fellow named Phelps, Who went for a ride in the Alps, But the coach had no sprag, So they've since had to...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficuities of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is bp the...
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N[ R. A. ]RYLAND, County Sur. veyor of Middlesex, has been to America and Canada for the principal purpose of examining methods...
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165 Vehicles are Used in all Branches of the Municipal Service of Cottonopolis. N EARLY all the Lancashire corporations make a...
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Why the City of London Police Use Electric Vehicles in the Rapid Removal of Casualties to, Hospital. By Capt. H. Lyon Thomson,...
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Useful Service From a Fleet of Electrics. .T HE Corporation of Bootie is one of these municipal authorities which have each a...
T HERE is no gainsaying the fact that the braking system on heavy vehicles has been greatly improved during the past few years....
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Not Everyone who may Care to Try His Luck with Motorbus Operation in the Metropolis is a Pirate (says " The Inspector ") if he...
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The Difficulties to Overcome. The Dail of Refuse Why Some Horsed Vans are r Vehicles and Sweepers. Retained. The Work T ,HE...
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M UCH disaffection has, been engen dered of late among drivers of commercial motor and other vehicles in Midland areas...
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Some Interesting Facts Concerning the Operation of the Fleet of the Blackpool Corporation. T "populations of some of the...
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Opened on -Thursday Last and Remaining Open Until Friday Next, the Congress in London is of Great Iinportance to All Concerned...
A VERY large number of steam and internal combustion-engined road rollers, smile for nrdinarynticadiun road work and others for...
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T HE appropriate exhibits, naturally, bring together a complete display of the plant, and materials required in modern methods...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. Safety Locks for Coaches. T HERE have been one or two...
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Particularly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing. . N OWADAYS, an...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). H 'ERE is a way of starting a stubborn old-style , Ford or a Ford truck...
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T HE DEMAND for the " At-a-Glance Efficiency Chart," which was devised by the solid Tyre . Department of the Dunlop Rubber Co.,...
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The Travelling Exhibition—a Development in the Use of Motor Vehicles that Agents Might Consider With Advantage. By " Vim."...
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The Valuable Work at the Rothamsted Research Station Shows the Economy and Efficiency of the Agrimotor. A VERY interesting...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. C OINITRIBUTIONS are invited for this page...
employed on the 2 ton Napier vehicle is one of the best as regards ease of replacement and method of adjustment in order to...
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A Page for Drivers, Mechanics and Foremen. Fitting Piston Rings. The sender of the following communication has bees awarded...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. An invention of more than usual interest is covered by specification No. 169,766,...