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equipped with air suspension at recent Continental shows, notably at Frankfurt and Turin, have • aroused criticism of British...
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I T is generally recognized that Britain cannot hope to continue indefinitely her present high rate of direct...
"High-handed Treatment" A SHORT leading article entitled "High handed r-k Treatment" was published in The Commercial Motor...
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Of many shopkeepers now asking what is the good of traffic if it is not allowed to stop. That if it stopped to drop buyers...
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A LL three vehicles on a haulier's B licence were deleted last week by the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon....
will in future \--receive firm treatment from the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. Alex Robertson. He warned last week...
T HE Leyland group has joined forces with the State-owned Spanish Pegaso company to exchange inforniation and gain new export...
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Benefit Hauliers ? Plastics Domes HOW far may the evidence of a substantial shareholder in a haulage " company be taken into...
the Stirling works of W. Alexander and Co. (Coachbuilders), Ltd. The management have approved this agreement by the Sheet Metal...
P suggest that experienced hauliers could not be trusted to carry timber was ridiculous, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern...
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R ECENT applications by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., had led excursion operators to believe that the company were deliberately...
T HE good faith of an applicant was important and any admission of irregular operation cast doubts upon it. the North Western...
MR. A. C. SHERWOOD has been appointed buyer of Jack Miller West Street Motors (East Grinstead), Ltd. MR. C. D. O'SuLuvart has...
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A IR suspension for the rear axle is one of " the main features of the latest Bristol Lodekka double-deck bus announced this...
T HE first official admission that the Public Transport Association's case for the use of the Suez fares procedure in...
r ARE increases designed to yield I £66,000 a year were granted to Leicester Corporation last week, but the undertaking is not...
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A DANGEROUS precedent would be r - k created if the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., were allowed to operate a through bus service...
" I HOPE work will start this financial year on the London—Birmingham motorway and Ross spur road. Both will be built to full...
B Y a series of small substitutions over the past five years, a haulage concern succeeded in changing a 3I-ton vehicle for a...
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C ONCESSIONARY fares operated by Sunderlanct and West Hartlepool Corporations have been drastically amended by the Northern...
"R OADS exist as a means for the movement of vehicles and not as a resting place for them," Mr. Alex Samuels, chairman of the...
-TWO left-hand-drive Atkinson eight1 wheelers, fitted with A.E.C. 11.3-litre oil engines, have been supplied to Oakleys London...
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A DIRECT coach link between Sheffield and London Airpor would cut holidaymakers' travelling costs by £2 10s. a head, the...
S OME of the successful drivers in next year's All-England Lorry Driver of the Year Competition will again be sent to Paris to...
Duron Specified: Demon brake facings have been approved by Leyland Motors, Ltd., for Tiger Cub chassis. New Address: The Leeds...
transport should be "You can't afford to walk," the Midlands section of the Institute of Transport was told last week by Cllr....
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THE Western Licensing Authority last week refused to modify the B licence of Budleigh SaIterton Transport, Ltd., Exeter, to...
rUTURE transport policy in Eire was discussed last week at a meeting between Ministry of Industry and Commerce officials and...
THE line of the proposed motorway to by-pass the Medway towns, was announced on Tuesday by the Minister of Transport. It will...
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F OR many years there had been too much concentration on " fioor-tofloor " time in studying the movement of materials within...
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T HE result of the London inquiry into proposed loading and unloading restrictions is being eagerly awaited by the Traders Road...
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Present Methods of Training Drivers Too Haphazard in Light of Current Road Conditions By a Special Correspondent W ITH higher...
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Operators Who Maintain Their Vehicles Reasonably Have Nothing to Fear, although Latest Regulation is Far from Clear By Our...
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W HAT is believed to be the first vehicle in the world carrying recording apparatus for deter mining the wear of its own...
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Reed Paper Group Provide Modern Depot for Roundthe-clock Vehicle Service L AST week. Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister of...
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W HETHER because of the work of pressure groups, or because the subject is interesting in itself, road development has for some...
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By John F. Moon, A.A , S INCE the Atkinson PD.746 double-decker bus chassis was introduced in August, 1954, an alternative...
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Unite Against Renationalization W ITH reference to the article "Devon and Cornwall Call for Co-ordination" by Aleyn Grellier...
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Overhead Platform and Workshop C H1EF advantage offered by the new Overseer hydraulic platform is that its construction allows...
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M ANY facts hitherto unrevealed came to light, and a number of fallacious contentions were exploded, when leading highway...
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H AULAGE contracts resulting from civil and military engineering projects often call for movement of large tonnages and provide...
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JOHN ELLIOT, chairman of London Transport, delighted a packed (in more senses than one) audience at the Public Transport...
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variable-speed gearbox incorporating a hydraulic coupling. The chief point of the design is that in top gear the hydraulic...