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MEMBERS of the Freight Transport Association have been told to view circumspectly rates increases being demanded by road...
A DEMAND for a guaranteed 50-hour week appears to be the main stumbling block in the Southern area negotiations on haulage pay,...
THE Road Haulage Association, responding to the DoE's consultative paper on lorry routes, has called for an urgent meeting to...
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BRITAIN'S tachograph manufacturers have told the Minister for Transport that fitting EEC instruments would bring net benefits...
SUBSTANTIAL increases in the number of permits issued to British operators for lorries going to France and West Germany next...
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BOTH operators and manufacturers are firmly resisting any suggestions that the new-bus grant should be reduced from the present...
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IN ITS reply to the DoE on the consultative paper dealing with heavy lorry routes, the British Association of Removers has...
A LONG list of what is described as the "unsubstantiated and bland assertions which confront us at every turn" was given last...
THE P&O is to introduce a new roll-on/roll-off freight service linking Fleetwood with Dublin and Larne early next year. P&0's...
WHERE facilities at main ferry ports are inadequate for checking the loading of goods vehicles, Mr Fred M ulley, the Transport...
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ROUTE1NG schemes for heavy lorries imposed by local and central government should be compatible. This point is made in a...
AMENDMENTS to the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1973 have been proposed and circulated for comment by the...
IGNORANCE of the law regarding heavy goods vehicle driving licenses resulted in William Francis. Treetops, North Side, Hirtley,...
THE OFFICIAL enquiry into the escape of dangerous fumes which affected seamen on the "Asiafreighter" last week will also look...
THREE new vehicles are to he made available on the British market by Magirus Deutz during 1975. Few details are yet available...
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LABOUR MPs who oppose the Channel Tunnel are becoming more convinced that the scheme would lead to more traffic on the roads...
THOUGH THERE has been an increase in the illegal use of rebated fuel in road haulage vehicles this has been nothing like so...
EXPERIMENTS carried out by a haulage company into the different results achieved between total and split weighing of a vehicle...
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AN OPERATOR should not be held to have failed to heed disciplinary action when convictions occurring after a public inquiry...
A. J. APPLIN (Coventry) • Ltd, of Dunchurch, Rugby, received an absolute discharge, before Long Eaton magistrates last week, on...
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IT WAS NO good regarding public transport as something that could be turned on like a tap to cope with whatever needs were not...
AN estimated 8,000 to 8,500 drivers and conductors employed by the Scottish Bus Group had joined an unofficial strike by...
D. N. Locke, present chief transport and movements officer for headquarters UK land forces, has been appointed to the new post...
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AN OPERATING surplus of £241,000 during 1973, announced by the Merseyside Passenger Transport Authority and Executive in its...
AONDAY Nov 25. CIT (Berks, lucks & Oxon) "Public transport luties of local government by 1. S. MacLennan (transport...
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ALMOST the final act Of Mr Robert Bailey as chairman of the Public Road Transport Association was to urge the Association of...
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'here have been many comments on ie rate and the extent of increases in rices during this year and there is no oubt that the...
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to defeat 110x by CM reporter THE possibility of using an emulsified mixture of petrol and water or diesel oil and water as a...
AS PART of a rationalization plan in its distribution operation the North Western Electricity Board has started to replace its...
A SERIOUS obstacle ti progress towards reducin motor vehicle corrosion i the absence of realisti accelerated tests, accordin to...
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A haulier I met last week was most annoyed with owner-operators. One of these "upstarts" with a secondhand vehicle had undercut...
War, adversity and industrial strife inevitably bring out the best and the worst in people and produce tragic incidents which...
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by John Darker THE home and overseas members of the British Association of Removers in London last week got to grips with the...
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CM reporter STRIA's largest car transporter wany, Joh. Hodlmayr, is one of the wanies which —as outlined in CM week — is using...
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In the wake of the recent Scottish pay settlement haulage contractors are inevitably asking themselves the question: Is this...
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The expiration of the Post Office contract with British Rail and the forward planning for mechanization have given the...
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8: The Netherlands, Norway, Romania and Sweden THE four countries dealt with in this instalment allow British hauliers to...
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Assuming that the Minister for Transport, Mr Fred Mulley, now has all the replies to his consultation paper, on heavy lorry...
Alan P. Mansfield AS senior executive of Hargreaves Transport Ltd, Mr A. P. Mansfield controls one of the largest independent...
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clear written instructions and a strictly administered system of nspection and documentation are the Roneo Vickers way to keep...
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AND in that land there was a race of men who toiled mightily upon the face of the earth, and with divers strange vehicles did...
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has yet been implemented? I am aware that it received Royal Assent in August, but I am not sure that it is actually in...
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3. Responsibility of the employers by John Darker AMBIM IN OR DER to avoid confusion in a wordy comparison of the terms of...
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by Les Oldridge TEng(C . EI), MIMI, AMIFITE IN certain circumstances the police may require the owner of a vehicle to disclose...
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The 1975 Sasco Year Planner, an open diary which is displayed on a laminated 910 mm by 610 mm (3ft by 2ft) board, is now...
A combined 6 I2V circuit tester and electrical screwdriver is now available from J.P. Isaacs. The tester, made in West Germany....
The Mk11 Electrotest from Speedograph is a hand-held device which incorporates a tachometer, dwell meter, voltmeter, ammeter,...
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A range of platform scales — the 20/4 — incorporating a digital indicator which can be located remotely up to 4.6m (15ft) away...
A diesel engine oil introduced by BP Marketing and known as BP Vanellus C3 Multigrade, is suitable or all high-speed engines in...
A portable, air-cooled ac welding transformer incorporating a battery charger and which works from a standard domestic power...
Designed to cater for sump capacities of up to 361 it (8gal) is the heavy-duty Kleenomatic oil by-pass filter introduced by...