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EN BEFORE the recession when there was full employment in other parts of Britain, Dtland carried an unacceptably high...
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THE STONEFIELD on/off highway vehicle could be back in production in Scotland if receiver Bill Brownlie concludes successful...
ROAD Transport Industrv Training Board chairman Fred Lloyd has promised to study in detail the Road Haulage Association's...
- EXACO tanker drivers have rejected the company's productivityinked wage offer by a two-to-one majority, but BP drivers have...
THE NATIONAL Freight Company will be faced this year with a corporate wage claim from the Transport and General Workers Union....
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THE NATIONAL Freight Company is indulging in devolution. A new management company, the Scottish Freight Company, will from...
THE FORD Transcontinental fac tory in Amsterdam is in dange of closing down. This was suggested at a meet ing in Switzerland...
AN EARLY opportunity to use the Marplan survey (CM, November 15) to support the Freight Transport Association's recommendation...
HOOVER's total Unite Kingdom trunking operation i now being handled by Wester BRS, following the company' decision last year to...
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URO MPs have warned that they will opose any further increases in the commuity road haulage quota unless rapid rogress is made...
L again took the largest share f the commercial vehicle marat in October with 5,266 sales most of them from the cornany's...
EUROPEAN LORRY and bus drivers who want to live and work in this country when European Community driving licences are...
IT'S ALWAYS NICE when a decent person achieves his or her objective. So it made the heart warm a little to learn that Lord...
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PROBLEMS over the maintenance of vehicles operated by Bridges Service Station (Haulage) Ltd of Awsworth, Nottinghamshire, were...
A TRANSPORT manager in claimed to have used foul h guage in dealing with a fern. office assistant, who th walked out and...
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SKIP DRIVER J. W. Wigley, employed by Advanced Demoli tions Ltd, had left his employ ment of his own accord and was not...
WILKINSON Transport has won the 1980 Centre for Physical Distribution Management Award for Excellence for the introduction of...
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FORD has installed automatic equipment for the filling and bleeding of Transit braking systems at its Southampton factory. The...
THE Girling Skidchek GX •an . lock braking system has be factory approved for fitment the drive axles of all MAN tra tive...
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A NEW chemically inert anc dust-free material composed a granules has been developed 131 Century Oils hygiene division tc cope...
A RANGE of portable or static speed check ramps able to withstand a continual stream of maximum weight commercial vehicles is...
A COLLAPSIBLE cone has been introduced by Swintex Ltd of Derby Works, Bury, which manufactures road safety equipment. The...
THE SURFACES of som motorway hard shoulders al made from slurry seal — a ta mac-based material — and are lot less...
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DISCUSSING counterfeit vehicle components in the House of Commons, Minister for Consumer Affairs Mrs Sally Oppenheim said there...
WORKWEAR and career appa.el exhibition is to be organised 3y IPC Exhibitions Ltd at the Nest Centre Hotel, Fulham, LonJon...
TUDOR Vehicle Imports (UK Ltd, importers of the Romaniat Tudor and Aro vehicles„ hanov begun to import three-wheele vehicles...
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EDINBURGH'S bus services are likely to run at a loss of more than £6m this year, and the figure will have to be written off in...
PASSENGER Transport Executives will be subject to the same financial restrictions as local authorities. The Commons last week...
FARES on Scotland's 127 Post Bus routes could increase by 25 per cent early next month — the second rise in less than a year....
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TRANSPORT MINISTER Norman Fowler has said that he expects to have the first application from a county for a "trial area" soon,...
CORAS IOMPAIR EIREANN has taken delivery of its first Shannon-produced Bombardier bus. The first vehicle is a singledeck...
AROUND 80 busmen's jobs in Guernsey were under threat as we closed for press on Tuesday. The Guernsey Railway Company issued...
DESPITE OPPOSITION from tI operating industry, Junk Transport Minister Kennel Clarke has announced that Itt Department of...
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ERRYMASTERS" LTD have amed Brian Gunby as their reional operations manager ;outh) dealing with the cornany's services to and...
SCOTLAND: Ma. At Strathclyde, the westbound carriageway is closed for one and half miles, west of St James Interchange,...
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TOO OFTEN COMMERCIAL vehicles are driven erratically and noisily, though one supposes their drivers have passed their car...
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THE MOTOR SHOW already seems to have been a lifetime ago but good stories about it are still circulating. One concerns a boy of...
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Now more than ever before, operators are looking for class products and at Leyland's Bathgate and Scotstoun factories they're...
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A miserly share of motorway and a frequent lack of traffic are reverses which SRS are countering with positive measures. Tim...
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Up at Falkirk,Walter Alexander is always ready to show off its wares, and, says Noel Millier, that's what keeps its order books...
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Alan Millar puts the spotlight on the Scottish LA — the man who giveth and who taketh away. But in Hugh McNamara's case the...
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Reive is an old word meaning plunder. But there's nothing dated about LV's 6x4, and the tipper took by force almost everything...
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The poet may not have liked it but, writes Graham Montgonnerie, Volvo has made itself thoroughly at home in Irvine,...
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Forbidden subject 'Quantity licensing is not politically feasible. Hauliers hesitate to put it forward in public. Rather like...
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by Douglas Ainley IT MAY have published a code on the Closed Shop, but "the Government remains opposed to the principle...