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The future pattern and prosperity of the operating and manufacturing sectors of road transport will be vitally affected by next...
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Less than 1 p.c. of Midland hauliers gave way • Suggestions that attempts by trade union officials in the Midlands to obtain...
• Overloading summonses against Northern Land Contractors Ltd, Bishop Middleham, Co Durham, were dismissed by Berwick...
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but a follow-EEC hint on vehicle weights from our political correspondent • Arguments for limiting the access of lorries and...
—Astons application heard in High Court • An undertaking not to "black" Coopers Road Services Ltd, of Wednesbury, was given in...
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• An Industrial Tribunal in Southampton last week was asked to define the term "dock work" as it affects container handling at...
• Operators are reminded that on November 1 it becomes a legal requirement for heavy goods vehicles (rigids over .3 tons...
• A number of Production Engineering Research Association of Great Britain (PERA) educational and training courses for 1972 are...
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by John Darker • Last week in Luxembourg M. Albert Coppe, EEC Commission member for transport, chided Transport Ministers of...
• New sales records for Bedford Commercial vehicles in both UK and export markets were set in the January to September period...
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• As part of a campaign by the RHA to tell the public how important the road haulage industry is to the community, the Hull...
• The 1972 Finals of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition sponsored by CM will be held at Gamecock Barracks, Bramcote, on...
• The New Law of Employment conference. intended for those who will have to apply the provisions of the Industrial Relations...
• The British Road Federation , has cancelled the international conference, "People Roads and Cities" which was to have been...
• Deadlock is reported at the two-week-old strike by drivers at the Peterborough haulage firm of J.W. and E. Smith, where last...
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• Blue Dart Transport's new Stakehill depot at Middleton, Lancashire, officially came into operation on October 14, for...
• The FTA has announced details of its programme of educational courses for the 1971/72 season. A one-week residential course,...
• Two well-known south coast companies have got together for a triple celebration. It came about when commercial vehicle...
Cinderella or Ugly Sister? • "Years ago road haulage was the Cinderella of transport. Now, with so much talk of blight and...
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'it's better by bus 9 Eldon Griffiths backs new licence proposals from a special correspondent • Country buses and trains do...
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by Derek Moses • A trend of psv operation which is rapidly growing is that of the express or "dual-purpose" bus, and the...
• School bus drivers throughout Cumberland have been given a special , safety code after a five-year-old boy was knocked down...
• Westmorland county council at its next quarterly meeting will be asked by its general purposes committee to continue the...
Seat reservations for the CM/PVOA conference in London on November 4 are now building up quickly and intending delegates should...
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• A former C licence operator who was fined £60 with £30.50 costs after being convicted in his absence on one charge of...
• Too many coaches being used in Scotland to carry workmen and school children were not being looked after adequately, and...
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• January 3 is the date being forecast for the introduction of a new prohibition notice scheme — a revised system of immediate...
• A Dagenham lorry driver who agreed to "lose" his lorry load of whisky, then later told police a false story of being hijacked...
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• Two prototype vehicles employing self-supporting body/chassis, the material and application of which has been developed by...
• Co-operation between professional engineering bodies is needed to provide an agreed wording for a code of conduct, following...
• Just published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Forbes House, Halkin Street, London, SW1 7DS, is the 1971...
• Robert Wynn and Sons Ltd, Newport, Mon, is expecting delivery shortly of a heavy haulage trailer which when fully operational...
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by John Darker, AMBIM A CM STAFF WRITER REPORTS ON INTERVIEWS IN BRUSSELS A MUCH more liberal era is about to commence in...
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Only 40 pc for HA head office HEAD OFFICE of RHA is in financial difficulty — one could say: once again. It is not that the...
view by the Hawk 0 Happy families Like many delegates leaving the excellent FTA conference at Scarborough last Friday...
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y our tax by R. H. Grimsley Bcom,FiAc II. Industrial building allowances ALL road hauliers should be able to claim capital...
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Maurice Vandome • Maurice Vendome, the Road Haulage Association's highways consultant, was seeing Prof Colin Buchanan on...
Opinion of weight AMENITY and safety are two emotive themes on which the opponents of road transport can ring the changes...
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I would like to reply to the comment on the item on the "Bird's eye view" page headed "100-hour week?" (CM. September 17). I...
With the approach of the November 1 dead line for installation of rear reflective marke plates, there are pitfalls against...
NEXT WEEK'S issue of Commercial Motor will contain a free copy of CM's Guide tc 24-hour and Emergency Service. It will also...
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Well, that's one of the possibilities among the transport plans of a remarkable international haulier whose real business is...
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by Handyman Benchwise cool it (24) IT IS strange that even today some vehicle owners—including commercial vehicle...
by John C. Vann A question of fidelity • Although, surely, all operators must t alive to the danger of intruders, not all...
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Also we keep a full record of all maintenance repairs and servicing of all vehicles, but only by means of entries in a plain...
more and more operators are losing their licences, many for not keeping proper records. Naturally I wish to do everything...
licence which lasts for life, what will happen to the £8-3-rn centre at Swansea, described in CM (May 28 1971), which was...
train than with a 2900 cu ft tractive unit and trailer, to run furniture removals under TIR? If the capacity is bigger can you...
for five days a week is engaged on medium-distance runs and fills in a logbook work on Saturday and Sunday mornings driving an...
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matters By John Darker AMBIM Consultancy: summing up CM 's special series THE recent series of articles on transport and...
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by Les Oldridge, AMIRTE, MIMI Forgery and false statements (2) LAST WEEK I discussed the falsification of records of hours...
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From George Wilmot: Senior Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London RSA a year of fluctuating fortunes THE...