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The parsimony of the Treasur . .. is beginning to bear its ill-fruits in the state of chaos whielt threatens to paralyse the...
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The tractor4. " fizzling " at the manccuvres. That, Kent promises to be a better county for road transport than it has proved...
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The actual dispositions and the nature of the Lie:Lk. , ill the great war game, which, during the present week, is being played...
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A Further Selection of Machine Tools and Mechanical Novelties are here Described. C Wit inued from /age 28.1 From the...
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The main item of interest locally has been furnished this mouth by the Vickers, Sons and Maxim's announcement regarding the new...
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I. company in London, and the same music-hall entrepreneur is also hiring one of the old C.G.V. Pullman motorbuses. The...
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The authority, circulation and influence of this journal rest upon facts. The dates for next year's Commercial Vehicle...
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A Lotis for Bridport. The first of a new series of Lotis vans for 15-cwt. loads is illustrated herewith. This is an...
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certainly gave me a thrill of pleasure, on calling at the Doherty Radiator Co.'s works, on Wednesday of last week, to hear that...
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The Lewisham Automobile Garage, a, - if 272-274, High Street. Lewisham, :has ordered two Be!size taxicabs for :local use....
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A Prosperous German Concern. 'Tim hu g e Berlin electrical firm known as the All g emeine Elektrizitats-Gesellschaft closes...
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Means of Pneumatic Tires. An interesting attempt to reduce the cost of the wear and tear of pneumatic tires, whilst not...
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The Waste of the Road. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. J,211] Sir,—Is not the waste of road dhe in great measure to the...
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An Agricultural Query. [1,685] " DEVONIAN " writes :—" As a reader of THE 'COBIMERCIAL MOTOR, I have been very much interested...
1 - 1,686] "J.S. & S., Yorks." write :4 " We send a piece broken from an :::axle belonging to one of our motor'ears, which has...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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A glance through the latest—the tenth -catalogue that has been issued by G. T. Riches and Co., Ltd.. will undoubtedly convince...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...